Venus retrograde is in full swing, babes. Venus, the planet of love, relationship and allurement, is appearing to move backward in the sky until Sept. 3. She takes this journey every 18 months or so, and during this period we reconsider, reinterpret, reinvest and redefine our relationships, attractions and finances. Have you been feeling the pause? This journey is about to hit its crescendo, or climax if you will. On Aug. 13, Venus will cross the heart of the sun, and we will all be granted a big ol’ energy boost and powerful revelations of love in all its forms. It’s a super duper love day. One caveat, however, is that Uranus is flying in a 90-degree square to all of this, bringing an element of surprise, rebellion and unpredictability. So, throw your expectations out the door and prepare to be adaptable. Is that all that’s happening? Heck no. Mercury and Mars are meeting up, offering possibilities ranging from passionate ideas to active networking to intense arguments. In a nutshell: reconsider love and be careful with your words.

Here are your horoscopes for the week. Read for your rising and sun signs.

July 23 – Aug. 22

It’s still Leo season, and you are still front and center. As you continue to reinvest in your self-love, something unexpected from your work-life may come in to challenge your process. A schedule change that interrupts your routine? A surprise career opportunity that seems a bit askew? Right now, be sure to center yourself above all else. It is not a time to compromise your needs for your public persona. However, if the alignment is right, seize your chance.

Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

You’ve got something to say, and this is an ideal time to speak your mind. If you’ve been holding something back, let ’er rip and share your thoughts with the people who need to hear them. You’ve got some big ideas, and there is no better time than now to articulate them. Be mindful about your delivery, however, and avoid being overly aggressive. Excited, not angry.

Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

My guess is that you’ve been having some vivid dreams, Libra. Your night dreams and daydreams are helping you see how to achieve your life goals, so pay particular attention to them. You might be offered to participate in a surprise investment, either monetary or energetic. Make sure it balances with the direction you’re heading before making any commitments.

Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

An important partner in your life is going to help you figure out how to convey your needs to the folks who will help you achieve your goals. If you’re not getting what you want, listen to your partner’s advice because there is a chance you might come in too hot. It is a fantastic time to be influential within your network, but remember to have a sounding board before diving in head first.

Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

You’ve been putting your head down and getting shit done. Focusing on your personal wellness and daily routines is helping you get really clear and confident about your work life. Congrats. Be mindful of how this focus on your self and work is affecting your relationships, as there appears to be a possible confrontation on the horizon. But taking stock now can turn that confrontation into a celebration.

Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Freedom and connection are two experiences that can either be opposed to each other or work symbiotically. Right now, you are being offered unexpected ways to live out your own creative individuality, but this is challenging a need for a deep connection to others. Where is your golden middle? Can you simultaneously invest in yourself and others? Absolutely. This is not a zero-sum game.

Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

It appears your home life is particularly joyous and bountiful right now, Aquarius. This level of security on the home front is empowering you to have some focused discussions about your current investments. Be mindful not to let these discussions devolve into arguments, however, and make sure you keep your focus on the task at hand. 

Feb. 19 – March 20

You are a happy camper in your familiar surroundings. I am imagining you at your local grocery store, taking the time to appreciate it for what it is — safe and reliable. Taking stock of the familiar things in your life that elicit joy will help you address some concerns with a partner. There is potential for fighting, but if you anchor in the safety of your familiar world, you can direct the conversation more productively.

March 21 – April 19

There are regular things in life that just need to get done — washing clothes, doing dishes, brushing teeth. These chores can be monotonous, but are oh so necessary. You are currently in a time when these everyday routines are in focus, and it is an ideal moment to assess how you go about them. Perhaps it is time to be more efficient?

April 20 – May 20

Family seems to be a rather prominent theme in your life at the moment. How do you show your love to your family, either blood or chosen? Are there ways you can let the formative people in your life know you care? Reflecting on your life’s root relationships will aid you in your own personal healing in a powerful way right now. 

May 21 – June 21

Be wary of arguments at home, Gemini. There is a charged atmosphere at home and with family, so be extra keen to approach the people in those places with a special level of diplomacy. If you can keep the peace, it is a phenomenal time to address, head on, some concerns you have. Formulating your thoughts ahead of time will prove extra helpful.

June 22 – July 22

Under this sky, it is a good time to reconsider your finances and your sources of income. How do you sustain yourself monetarily? Is your method working for you, or are you consistently scrambling? If things are good, take a moment to appreciate that and don’t take it for granted. If your method of income could be better, start strategizing.