The sky is busy this week. There are three major transit formations among seven different planets emerging more-or-less simultaneously. This will bring up some challenges in our relationships, having us confront our unconscious impulses and emotional survival needs. The way through the challenge will require keeping our ideals in focus and tapping into genuine empathy. Also, the sun is forming a 120-degree trine to Saturn, eliciting support between the ego and our creative striving and the structures and authorities in our lives. Keep an eye out for your mentors because they will naturally be teaching you the lessons you need to learn. Early next week, Mars forms a conjunction with Uranus, which will bring about explosive changes and fights for freedom. We will be feeling this transit now, but it will be ramping up over the weekend. With all this activity, my biggest recommendation is to breathe and keep your wits about you. It’s easy to get swept up in all the hullabaloo, but you only have control over your own actions and reactions.
Here are your horoscopes for the Venus-Pluto-Neptune wedge and the sun-Saturn trine. Read for your rising and sun signs.
June 21 – July 22
It may feel like you’re in a standoff with an important obligation in your life, and it may seem that you are the one prioritizing personal relationships while people are pushing your unconscious triggers. Take the time to dream new ways of achieving goals rather than trying to maintain familiar routines. Pay attention to people you admire who push you out of your comfort zone.
July 23 – Aug. 22
As you enjoy the peaceful quiet time before Leo season bursts onto the scene, listen to teachers in your life who encourage you to conserve your energy. Taking time to yourself can ultimately help you to be more effective when the right time to act presents itself. If a challenge emerges in an important partnership, protect the relationship by idealizing your shared purpose.
Aug. 23 – Sept. 22
A tension may be emerging between a deep desire to be with friends and an almost impulsive need to get your work done. Relying on a partner in your life to help you to dream and let go of real world challenges will do more than just provide an escape. Focusing on partnership will provide important lessons regarding who you are in the social sphere.
Sept. 23 – Oct. 23
Your creativity is important and it is a part of your personal power, but focusing on your projects requires time away from friends and community. Your heart is with your people right now, and that can make your work feel like a shadow. Let your routines become your escape so that they give you energy rather than take it away.
Oct. 23 – Nov. 21
There is a tension building in an important relationship, and the release is right on the horizon. Let your partner surprise you, but remember that your integrity is also really important. Your creative impulses, almost as if they were external teachers, are showing you how to do things differently. Listen to your muses. The challenge between work and home will ease when you let your creative angels guide you.
Nov. 22 – Dec. 21
As you focus on how to invest your time, energy or money, there is a very important lesson or teacher presenting itself from your family history. Perhaps it is a lesson of conservation. Be sure to heed this teaching before making any big decisions, because it is wisdom. As you enter a new chapter in a relationship, there may be a strong, dark desire for familiarity. Dream about home.
Dec. 22 – Jan. 19
A partner in your life is taking center stage, and it is important to give your people their time in the spotlight. Your role right now is to remind them of the importance of communication and the world that they come from. Be their voice of reason. If money issues come up in relationships, be sure to have empathy when it comes to different methods of talking about money.
Jan. 20 – Feb. 18
We all go through phases of being spendy and bring thrifty, and this sky is encouraging your thriftiness. As you conserve, you will fall into fresh daily routines in order to get your needs met. You will really start to analyze how you do things, allowing you to adjust accordingly. If you find that you are struggling in an important relationship, really pay attention to your ideal needs to help make decisions.
Feb. 19 – March 20
You are probably finding a love for getting your hands dirty in some project, but that also seems to be accompanied by an almost obsessive need to be alone. Be careful not to over-isolate when you are diving deep into your work. You need and deserve to be with others. Focus on the things in life that bring you bliss because that is where you build your confidence.
March 21 – April 19
A big surprise is on the horizon, and it has to do with your finances or your material goods. Somehow or another, you will be freed from a burden that you’ve been carrying. The surprise will very likely not be what you are expecting, however, so stay vigilant. As your home and family take your focus, let your me-time be a teacher for you. Listen to your stream of thoughts as you sit alone.
April 20 – May 20
There’s no place like home! You get to dive deeply in love with your home and your family right now. As you do, your work and career may be looming like that giant demon in “Fantasia.” Why must your public obligations be so heavy? Fear not. Turn your attention to your friends who share your ideals. They will help you find your way.
May 21 – June 20
Focusing on your own needs will help an important mentor offer lessons that will help you achieve your goals. If you build your own house, this person will come to help you because they see what you are doing. Listen when they arrive. A strong love for your immediate community and familiar world is palpable right now. What is your dream work in this space?