The winter solstice is upon us. With the darkest part of the year comes the reminder that the light always returns in the infinite cycle. During the solstice and the days surrounding it, we wrestle with our place in the grand scheme of things, dance with the seeming futility of it all, lament the limited influence we have, and start to remember that we are both miraculous and mundane. The light returns. 

During this winter solstice and the days preceding it, the sun forms a 90-degree square to Neptune, which portends a dissolution of self-awareness and a struggle to find purpose. Allow yourself to ask the great question “Who am I?” and let the answer be intuitive rather than definitive. At the same time, Venus is forming a 120-degree trine to Jupiter, which calls for big love and graceful joy. Under this sky, wide-open hearts will bring about blissful strokes of luck and abundant growth. Revel in all of your relationships and love to excess. The existential troubles of sun-Neptune are concurrent with the expansive heart of Venus-Neptune as the light returns in the darkness. And we always choose how to participate.

Here are your horoscopes for the sun square Neptune and Venus trine Jupiter. Read for your rising and sun signs.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

As Sag season draws to a close, you may feel a bit confused about how your sense of self fits in with the dynamics of home and family. Who are you in the fold? Explore the question but have faith in the order of things. Tap into your most familiar neighbors and siblings and let an important partner expand their presence in order to enjoy the bounty that is available to you. 


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

On Saturday, the solstice takes place and the sun moves into Capricorn. We all get to see you more clearly and celebrate the season of your birth. While it might be hard to find your place in your local community right now, Capricorn season will bring you back to center. Take the time to love the things you surround yourself with and joy in your daily tasks. There are blessings there.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

You are in a time of loving yourself. Taking great personal joy in your own creative projects helps that self-love to grow. Dive in head-first and don’t be afraid to keep it to yourself. Financial issues may be causing some confusion in clearly seeing who your supportive people are, but trust your intuition above all else. You are held by the community even if you can’t see it.


Feb. 19 – March 20

Your work life has been very much in the spotlight and it may feel as though you’ve lost your sense of self in the hubbub. The confusion will pass, but hold on to the lesson that you can trust yourself even when you can’t clearly see the pattern. Love your alone time and find your joy at home right now because those benefits will seep into the rest of your life.


March 21 – April 19

There is a challenge present between great lessons that are expanding your awareness and deep spiritual lessons that you are finding in your solitude. They are connected in some way, and you have the task of integrating them. Follow your instinct rather than your intellect. Your friends and your familiar community are offering you big support. Accept it and flourish.


April 20 – May 20

You may clearly know what projects and people you want to invest in, but it seems a bit unclear as to who will support you in your endeavors. Despite the conundrum, follow your intuition and participate in your calling. Your work life is filled with love and purpose, and the value is expansive. Enjoy your successes right now.


May 21 – June 20

Now that Mercury has turned direct, your footing should be feeling a bit more solid. Tread carefully as your eyes adjust. Your work and partnership may seem a bit fuzzy even though they’re front and center. Tap into your faith as you seek clarity here. There is also a great love in learning new things and inner joy that you find in yourself. Good fortune shines on your growing self-awareness.


June 21 – July 22

Love grows in the sharing of resources with other people, and it supports the expansive solitude that you are experiencing. Being alone right now has benefits that you might not yet see. There might be some confusion as to what actions to take in order to make the next move. You might not even be able to see the goal. However, trust your gut rather than relying on your mind. 


July 23 – Aug. 22

You are in a particularly creative period, yet it is probably difficult to decipher how to share your creative projects with a like-minded community of makers. In whom do you invest your energy? Don’t think, just do. Your intuition is your greatest leader now, despite the struggle. The love from an important partner and the joy of your supporters are providing a powerful bolster. Let them hold you.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22 

Your toil is paying off in spades right now, Virgo. Finding love in your daily tasks and allowing the bounty to expand in your work life is readily available. Enjoy it at this time and carry the feeling forward. While you are experiencing a lot of time at home and maybe struggling with some confusion with a partner, there is a spiritual growth taking place that you should trust.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

Your creative spark is taking you into worlds unknown. Let the joy you experience in your creative outlets expand your horizons, and enjoy the journey without focusing on the destination. You may be finding yourself in a community without really knowing what to do to fully participate in the routines. That’s fine. Showing up is the most important part. Trust that you’re there for a reason.


Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

Your values are front and center. It might be hard to decipher what to spend money on and what to receive money for, particularly when it comes to your own creative output. Tap into what you truly value and follow your instincts. Your home and the resources you share with other people are bursting with love and luck, so use these blessings freely when you find yourself stuck.