HAPPY HERMES, THE ISLAND ASTROLOGER: A Pragmatic and Versatile Kickoff

New Year, New Moon. Today, Jan 11,  marks the first new moon of the year, and it is a one characterized by persistence and surprises. The first new moon of 2024 takes place in the sign of Capricorn, infusing this new lunar cycle with a commitment to hard work, an eyes-on-the-prize motivation, and a dedication to sacrifice oneself to usher in something new. The first new moon of the year commonly takes place in Capricorn, so no big whoop there, but this new moon has two uniquely powerful aspects. First, it takes place in an exact 90-degree square to the lunar nodes of destiny, the points in the sky that mark where the sun and the moon cross paths. In Western astrology, these points correspond to our goals and ingrained habits, our future direction and the past we must move beyond. Second, this new moon takes place in a supportive 120-degree trine to Uranus, the planet of the unexpected. If Uranus is involved, something is coming out of left field. While this new moon is about setting practical goals and releasing unhelpful behaviors, it is also about being adaptable to surprises. It encourages us to be focused yet malleable, so set your intentions with that mindset. 

Here are your horoscopes for the new moon in Capricorn. Read for your rising and sun signs.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

This new moon is a time to reinvent yourself, Capricorn. Let go of the public image you think is expected of you and the routines you’ve built around maintaining it. Move toward being the person you are when with your most intimate friends and family. Drop the weight of social expectations and just be yourself. A surprising bolt of creativity is in store. Let it be your inspiration.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

How will you use this new moon to be alone differently? When we are alone, we are only accountable to ourselves, which can make that time particularly powerful when used correctly. Set intentions for your solitude now, and see how this magic time helps you worry less about what is beyond the horizon and appreciate what is right in front of you. Your private space holds surprises.


Feb. 19 – March 20

Your fresh start is taking place amongst friends, but it looks as if that roster of friends may be changing. You are being called to focus on your own values and financial wellness. Turn your attention away from group projects or other collective endeavors you’re invested in, and start fresh with your own needs in mind. Something unexpected from your family of origin, probably your parents, will emerge to support you. 


March 21 – April 19

The new moon is offering you a new job or a fresh commitment to the work you’ve been doing.  As you embark on this new beginning with your career, take the time to focus your energy on yourself rather than partnership. Stepping into this new beginning with courage and confidence will help you gain financial independence. Your theme right now is standing on your own two feet. 


April 20 – May 20

Are you starting a new course of study or taking a trip to learn something new? Let this new moon support you and really commit to the experience. Now is the time for you to focus on your own mental and spiritual development and to worry less about chores and physical labor. The work is always there, but now is the time to let your mind take the lead. Surprise yourself with the person you’re becoming.


May 21 – June 21

Invest now, Gemini. Invest in stocks, invest in businesses, invest in other people. Leap into unknown collective projects and trust that everything will work out. Now is the time to put your own needs for self-expression and creativity aside in order to collaborate with others. The insights you gain from the quiet, meditative spaces will surprise you. Use these insights in your group projects.


June 22 – July 22

A fresh start with your partner is happening. Enjoy the novelty and let go of what isn’t serving this relationship. Embracing this new beginning with your partner will help you move forward in your public work or your career and help you release unhealthy habits at home. Trust the changes that are happening, and let your support network surprise you in the process.


July 23 – Aug. 22

A new year has everyone making commitments to change their routines, but this new moon is specifically calling upon you to do just that, Leo. How are you changing your health and wellness habits? Getting clear on the changes you need to make will not only benefit you in the immediate, but they will also open up new life experiences and help you leave behind the humdrum familiarity that no longer serves you. Oh, and expect a shock from work.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

Step out onto a new creative adventure, Virgo. This new moon is beckoning you to express yourself in creative ways. Open that Etsy shop or start that painting project you’ve been considering. Saying yes to this creative endeavor will help you release old value systems and find new collaborative projects in which to immerse yourself. An unexpected journey or vacation is being offered. Run along.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

Something new is beginning at home, or perhaps you’re even moving into a new place. Commit yourself to a fresh start with home and family, and see how this agreement supports an important partnership in your life. Sometimes it is important to focus on self, but right now you are being called to really concentrate on your partner. An investment opportunity will surprise you. Jump on it.


Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

You’re being offered a new beginning in familiar surroundings. What does that look like? Set your intentions now and see how they will bloom in two weeks. But this new beginning promises to keep you busy, so get ready to sweat. There’s a lot of physical labor involved in this new start and not so much alone time. Let your partner surprise you.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

A new financial plan is hatching under this new moon. Let it reflect your change in values. Your creative self-expression should be the goal right now. Don’t worry about what your friends are telling you to do because they can’t see what you see. They certainly mean well, but now is the time to let go of the need to fulfill their expectations. A sudden change in routine will support your newfound financial goals.