The sun entered Leo in the wee hours of the morning July 22, and we’ve officially left the “protect-your-feelings” era in favor of a “show-em-whatcha-got” period. Leo season is all about expressing oneself, bringing one’s creative core to the forefront, and determining purpose for oneself and each other. 

Right after entering its home sign of Leo, the sun immediately opposed Pluto on July 23, which starts this Leo season off with an intense, shadowy quality. There is a need to confront our compulsions and insecurities in order to really let our creative selves loose. It’s like hitting the therapist’s office before going to your headlining gig at the Green Parrot. Check in with your motivations for a bit, but don’t get stuck there. Leo season is for free energy. Today, Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo. The next three weeks is the best time of year to communicate your detailed plans, to organize your mental space and to get practical about your agenda. When Mercury is in Virgo, we are able to get clear about how our planning now will lead to our ultimate goals later. Focus is the key word.

Here are your horoscopes for the sun-Pluto opposition and Mercury entering Virgo. Read for your rising and sun signs.


July 23 – Aug. 22

Happy happy Leo season, you bright ball of light! Before you embark on your joyful rainbow tour of a birthday season, take some time this week to confront your relationship baggage. Whether you have a partner or not, there is something about the “other” that needs attention. A moment in the dark will allow for an even brighter party. It’s also time to start getting serious about financial planning. So, set a budget for the brouhaha.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22 

As you enter into a period of quiet and self-reflection, appreciate your need for retreat. In order to really soak up the benefits of isolation, take some time to consider your regular habits, particularly the ones that are either compulsive or avoidant. You also have an opportunity to express yourself very clearly and to think very practically about yourself. Use the clarity.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

Leo season is a very social time for you, Libra. This year, the season kicks off with a fairly intense awareness that social time with friends is time away from your personal creative work. Let the mutual exclusion empower rather than frustrate you. Keep your focus where you are. As you let the party ride on, you also have the opportunity for deep reflection. Can you balance both?


Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

It’s time to focus on work. Whether you spend more time at work or you focus on what you need to change in your career, it is high time to shine a light on your place in the public realm. Your home life might loom large and dark as you make these choices. Acknowledge the weight, but keep your eyes on the prize. Friends will be really helpful if you seek advice.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Is there a major trip awaiting you? Whether it is an actual vacation or a change in perspective, it is the season to open your horizons up to new ways of seeing the world. There is a heaviness in your familiar surroundings though, so make sure you’re not running away from something that needs your attention. It is also a great time to make practical plans for your work life.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

If you could create a collective movement to change something, what would it be? Perhaps you don’t actually have to create anything; it is usually enough to find people already doing it. It is the season for you to find where you will invest your time, talent, and/or money. Be sure you don’t overlook your own needs, though. A new course of study will also serve you well now.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Who is your “other?” Is there one person who holds a mirror to you, or is it an entire crew of people in your life. Everyone needs a counterpoint, and it is a great time to get clear on who or what yours is. Don’t get down on yourself in the process, however. Reflecting on relationships ought to be empowering rather than depressing. Think clearly on what you have a stake in.


Feb. 19 – March 20

Pull up your sleeves and get your hands dirty. It is high time to focus on how you use your labor on a regular basis. Are you working for other people without actually supporting yourself in the process? Are you spinning your wheels or finding traction? Celebrate your ability to get things done, and make sure your work is working for you. Communicate practically with a loved one.


March 21 – April 19

Focus on the things that bring you joy right now. Yes, there are things that you enjoy with other people, but what are the things you do that you find personal happiness in, without anyone even knowing. Be careful not to be suspicious of your support network while you focus on yourself. How do you use your labor in the most practical ways? Can you change your habits?


April 20 – May 20

Home is where the heart is, and home is where your focus is. Family and your private sanctuary are coming into view, and they deserve your time. Work may be looming heavily in the background, but you know what to prioritize. Whether or not writing is something you do, for the next three weeks you will have unique creative writing capacities. Take advantage!


May 21 – June 20

Communicating with your family is going to be a major theme these coming weeks. For some, this is natural; for others, incredibly difficult. Wherever you land on this spectrum, surrender to the inevitability and truly give it your best. Also, as you celebrate your community they will celebrate you. Let your light shine in the places that you find familiar, and see what happens.


June 21 – July 22

Yes, Cancer season is over and you have another year ahead of you. Pay attention to your finances and what you need for security in order to start the year off right. There may be some powerful influences seeking your time and energy, but be sure to meet your own needs before investing in any other opportunities. You have a unique power to communicate clearly now. Share your thoughts.