The Florida Keys Wild Bird Center (FKWBC) released two red-shouldered hawks with Key Largo School’s kindergarten and first grade classes on Nov. 27. The release was coordinated by Erin Allison, executive director, and Wendi Sullivan, elementary teacher.
Both juvenile red-shouldered hawks were found in Key Largo. Students were able to learn about red-shouldered hawks, wildlife rehabilitation and what the wild bird center does through a presentation by Allison. After the release, students asked more questions during a question-and-answer session. It was a special opportunity for students to connect with wildlife through a unique experience.
The first red-shouldered hawk was admitted on Nov.13 with a drooping head, severely dehydrated and very thin. No other wounds and injuries were noted other than head trauma due to a suspected collision with a car. Rehabilitators at FKWBC provided fluid therapy, supportive care and anti-inflammatories. The juvenile hawk recovered quickly, began eating on its own and was only in the center’s care for two weeks.
The second juvenile red-shouldered hawk was admitted on Nov. 18 and was extremely lethargic and dehydrated. Rehab staff suspect it was toxicity, typically from rodenticides which are often ingested second-hand from a deceased rodent. The hawk was put on medications and supportive care and was deemed releasable after 11 days.
This program is a part of the FKWBC’s new “Flying Free” initiative, which was started to celebrate the center’s mission of releasing birds back into the wild through community-based events.
Businesses may host and/or sponsor a wild bird release. More information is available from erin@keepthemflying.org.