a group of people standing in front of a projector screen
From left, Steve Burner, chapter president, Brian Beatty, Deanna Duell, John Schoppaul, Denise Nedimyer, Lynea Wilson and Bonnie Barnes. CONTRIBUTED

Many say they have a mission in life, wish to improve their business, or even desire to make new friends and build relationships. But often, they may need to learn of any resources that can help them achieve these goals. 

Fortunately, the Keys have a long-standing nonprofit that meets twice a month in Islamorada that can help anyone —Toastmasters International.

In full disclosure, I am a former Toastmaster (2010-2011), and I attribute Toastmasters and the community to building confidence initially as a sales representative and now as a speaker and a life and business coach.

Toastmasters is a nonprofit educational organization that started in 1924 and hosts clubs in 144 countries. It teaches public speaking and leadership skills and helps people from diverse backgrounds become more confident speakers, leaders and communicators.

Steve Burner is the president of the local Upper Keys chapter and has been a member for five years. 

“Toastmasters can be different things for different people, but the bottom line is you can get out of Toastmasters whatever you want. It will help you in your journey of personal growth, whatever that may be. It’s also a feel-safe, non-judgmental group.”

During Covid-19, Toastmasters went to an online format and is now back to in-person, but added in a hybrid option. The Zoom hybrid option helps people, such as member John Schoppaul, who moved to Jupiter during Covid, still be part of the organization and its benefits.

Toastmasters has also modernized and converted its curriculum from a workbook to an online curriculum and launched a “Pathways learning system,” which offers a more tailored end result-driven experience. 

There are 11 Pathways: dynamic leadership, effective coaching, engaging humor, innovative planning, leadership development, motivational strategies, persuasive influence, presentation mastery, strategic relationships, team collaboration and visionary communication.

“Being part of a community is one reason, and another reason is my bigger goal is to become a motivational speaker and develop an educational program to go along with that,” Burner said. “The Toastmaster Pathway has helped me develop ideas and also forces me to make something happen — it gives a little push.”

Another unique aspect of Toastmasters is that everyone has a role, and the role changes every club meeting. The Toastmaster is the meeting’s director and host. There is an Ah-Counter who notes any overused words or filler words. A table topics speaker helps members develop impromptu speaking skills and the timer manages the time allotted for each speaker. An evaluator and a grammarian also provide feedback. A meeting speaker develops and then presents a talk for others to learn from. A general evaluator provides overall meeting feedback.

“It’s suggested to give a talk at least once every other month. And the roles are filled a meeting ahead so everyone knows and is prepared,” Burner explains. “Some of the topics have been health, growing plants, children or motivational topics.”

“You learn about interests that you have that you never knew. It makes you want to check it out. It piqued my interest in areas I have never considered before,” Burner continued. “Some things I learned from a talk Denise Nedimyer gave about a book are things I am encompassing in the program I am developing.”

John Schoppaul, the club president of education, explains, “I realized I had always been nervous, turning red, hemming and hawing, so I said to myself I need to do something about that. So, I joined Toastmasters. The next year I still had a few ums, but I gained confidence in speaking my mind with my company. As a result, I feel more comfortable and confident.”

Fellow member Brian Beatty said, “I’ve been part of networking groups since 2009 and realized when I had to speak without preparation, I was terrible. But now, when I have time to plan, I have more confidence and I have improved.”

Bonnie Barnes, who has been a member since 1990, said, “There is always room for self-improvement; there is never a time you should stop learning. I love taking the time to do the preparation to do the speeches, I love table topics, helping others with the roles, and you never know when you might need it.”

Deanna Duell was a Toastmasters member for several years when she lived in Colorado and joined the Keys chapter in 2021. “My goal was to improve speaking on my feet and getting comfortable in front of crowds,” said Duell. “I have to be in front of large and small crowds for my career. Toastmasters keeps me plugged into being uncomfortable but getting comfortable.”

Nedimyer joined Toastmasters in 2010 after her husband mentioned that she was a great presenter but had a lot of “ums,” which is a common reason to join. “I keep coming because I enjoy helping others. I can grow more too, but encouraging and helping others grow.”

The club meets every other Tuesday night at the Florida Keys History & Discovery Center in Islamorada. The center offered the space to the club, knowing how Toastmasters can be instrumental in improving speaking skills and life, which helps the community rise.

The Upper Keys Toastmasters Chapter is hosting an open house on Tuesday, April 25, from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at the Florida Keys History and Discovery Center, MM 82.1, for anyone interested in learning more.
More information is at or via email to

Residents in the Lower Keys or Key West who are interested can connect with Key West Toastmasters. They meet twice a month, the second and fourth Tuesday, at noon at the Gato Building. For more information, visit

Melinda Van Fleet
Melinda Van Fleet is an intuitive energy business and leadership mentor and the owner of Good Karma Sportfishing & Educational Programs with her husband, Ryan Van Fleet. She is a speaker, bestselling author of "Confidence Mastery for Couples" and "Life & Love Lessons," and the host of the weekly YouTube channel @ownyourgreatness. You can connect with her more at