Florida Keys Concert Association (FLKCA) produced its third concert of the season with a trio of musicians on Feb. 1. The concert was sponsored by the History of Diving Museum. 

At the beginning of the concert, Norman Werbner, FLKCA program director, welcomed the musicians: Itamar Zorman, violin, Lisa Stepanova, piano, and Alice Yoo, cello. Yoo flew from Colorado to substitute for the third trio member who was not able to come. 

In the first part, the trio played music from three different eras. Enrique Granados composed in the beginning of the 20th century. The trio played Granados’ Intermezzo from his opera “Goyescas,” the best-known part of the opera. Granados wrote this opera portraying paintings of his favorite Spanish painter Goya. The second piece was Piano Trio in E-flat Major of Franz Joseph Haydn, a composer of the 18th century. Haydn was a composer of many genres. 

“This is a more mature piece. Throughout the piece, one will be surprised by the sounds of a symphony, a string quartet,” Zorman said. 

The first part ended with music composed by Brian Raphael Nabors, a contemporary 31-year-old composer from Birmingham, Alabama. Nabors wrote his Piano Trio in 2019. The piece is based on a narrative of “Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde,” a novella written by Robert Louis Stevenson. It is a musical battle between a split personality, where good battles evil. 

The trio ended the concert with Piano Trio in B-flat Major by Franz Schubert. The composer wrote this trio in 1828, the last year of his short life. Schubert died when he was 31 years old. 

“B-flat Major music is a journey going as deep as possible into the human soul,” Zorman said. “The four movements transition from heroic, to lyrical, then jokingly ends up in different parts of a country site. Quite wonderful.”

In the closing note, Zorman thanked FLKCA for its patience and hospitality. The violinist recognized difficulties and challenges in putting on a concert these days. 

Sally Bauer, sponsor of the concert (Sally and her husband founded the History of Diving Museum many years ago by donating their personal collection), and a season ticket holder, said: “I am a purist. I like soothing music. Listening to Nabors’ music, I wondered about the violin’s 400 years old instrument’s creation of new sounds. Contemporary music shocks, but it is a good shock.”

Rastrelli Cello Quartet will play Monday, Feb. 14 at Marathon High School and Tuesday, Feb. 15 at Coral Shores High School. Both concerts begin at 7:30 p.m. Tickets at the door are $30. More information is at