No matter how many individuals appear in the pages of each edition of Keys Weekly, there are always so many more of our community members who deserve to be recognized. In an effort to shine a spotlight on more of the incredible individuals who live and work in these islands, Keys Weekly is proud to present our Neighbor of the Week feature, dedicated to celebrating a community member with each issue. 

This week’s neighbor is Allison Ford, who is a boat captain and mate on the Marathon Mermaid and a kayak/paddleboard instructor and eco-tour guide.  


Captain, Marathon Mermaid

How long have you been in the Keys and what brought you here? I’ve been here for four years now. I was living on the road full-time before COVID, so when I lost my career I wasn’t going to go back to Orlando. I’m a Florida native who needed to be closer to the ocean. 

What do you do for fun in the Keys and why do you love living here? I like to paddleboard with my dog and go scuba diving, especially at night. I love being on island time and not freezing in the water most of the year. 

What do you think about most when you’re on a paddleboard? Nothing at all. It’s the most relaxed I can ever be. 

Have you read any great books lately? Yes! I’m currently in love with author Piper CJ and am reading her “Night and Its Moon” and “No Other Gods” series.

What’s your favorite sports team and why? I don’t follow any sports. I basically quit TV more than 10 years ago. 

Dogs or cats? Why? Dogs. Duh. 

What’s one reasonable change that you’d like to see happen in the Keys? I’d love more restaurants and their staff to be educated about celiac disease, gluten allergies and cross-contact so that I can eat out safely. It affects about one in every 100 humans.

What’s one thing people don’t know about you? I like my dog more than any human. Just kidding – everyone knows that. 

Any other quirky beliefs? What if we just didn’t move our clocks back this November? Why should we participate in “regular time” like everyone else?

Know someone who would be a good “neighbor of the week?” Email

Jen Alexander
Jen Alexander is a teacher and volleyball coach at Sugarloaf School. She is a lover of travel, adventure, action, home improvement and family. A self-proclaimed "master of none," she is a doer of all and partaker of anything fun and exciting.