a street with a fence and cars on it
Crews work along mile marker 20.6 to 23.1 on Cudjoe Key to improve the roadway, increase drainage and update the guardrail. CONTRIBUTED

The Florida Department of Transportation is working along U.S. 1 from MM 20.6 to MM 23.1 on Cudjoe Key, from MM 19.4 to MM 19.8 on Upper Sugarloaf and from MM 26.2 to MM 27.4 on Ramrod Key. Improvements include reconstructing, repaving and re-striping the road, including sections of the Florida Keys Overseas Heritage Trail, raising the road, updating the guardrail, upgrading signs and pavement markings, widening some shoulders, and improving drainage in a few areas. 

Improving drainage is key to resiliency, and to achieve this goal, some areas of the road on Cudjoe Key will be raised about 1 foot. Four sections of these road elevations require temporary barrier walls, so crews can work safely behind them to construct road support structures. The support structures consist of permanent concrete walls with guardrail protection at the wall ends, and these structures must be installed before the pavement can be placed in layers to raise the elevation. These low-lying sections of U.S. 1 are designed to be above future flood elevation requirements. Since sensitive wetlands are so close to the travel lanes of U.S. 1, the typical strategy of raising the road and sloping the embankment out a little further is not an option. Of the four temporary work zones, one has been completed, two are in place and one will be installed when the current ones are completed and removed. 

Nighttime paving operations have resumed, Sundays through Thursdays from 9 p.m. to 5:30 a.m. Guardrails along U.S. 1 are currently being installed. The two U.S. 1 crosswalks at either end of Cudjoe Key will be re-striped. Improved signs at these crosswalks, and throughout the project limits, will be visible. 

Work is expected to be completed in early 2025. More information is at or from Julie Brown at 305-927-1479 or

a construction site on the side of a highway