a boat traveling under a bridge in the ocean
Snake Creek Bridge is raised to let larger boats pass through. FDOT officials are looking into replacing the bridge with a fixed-span bridge. DAVID GROSS/Keys Weekly

The Florida Keys Transportation Coordination Committee (FKTCC) recently met to recommend and rank a set of potential solution projects approved in the U.S. 1 Transportation Master Plan (TMP). The list will be presented to the Monroe County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) this month for approval to be given to the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT) to include in the 5-year work plan.

In 2021, the county hosted public input workshops and online questionnaires to put together the TMP. The final product had 183 projects on the solutions list, of which 58 were already in the current FDOT work program. Before the process was completed, the county created the FKTCC. The committee has a representative from each of the five municipalities in Monroe County and one from the BOCC, in a new process that brings a collective voice to ranking the projects.

“It is very momentous to have a collaborative process including the municipalities,” said Monroe County Mayor David Rice, who has prioritized transportation issues in Monroe County. “This selection process gives each body a voice, and I think this process will bode well for us with future projects.”

The elected boards of the county and municipalities narrowed their concerns to the top 10 to 15 for each area. County staff then merged the collective results to 36 items, which the FKTCC ranked.

The highest-ranked items from that list include adding bus stops and improving associated amenities, enhancing cycling lanes and pedestrian facilities, improvements to problematic intersections, adding more turn lanes and signs, potential changes to the Upper Keys weigh station, prioritizing Snake Creek Bridge reconstruction, improving and increasing public transit opportunities including the possible development of “park and rides,” and consideration of a Miami-Key West water ferry service.

“Traffic was in the top three of concerns of residents in the five-year Strategic Plan and was the number one concern in follow-up town halls held in 2021,” said Kimberly Matthews, Monroe County’s director of strategic planning. “A safe, sustainable, and efficient U.S. 1 is a top priority for the county and municipalities.”More information about the TMP and FKTCC, is at www.monroecounty-fl.gov/transportation.