Tag: Marathon

#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Roll Out Those Lazy Hazy Crazy Days of Summer – It’s not the heat,...

In case you haven’t noticed the prevailing weather conditions, we are smack dab in the high heat of the summer season. As bad as the typical tropical...
A group of people standing in front of a building - Oceanside

New art center opens in Marathon – The Art Studio will offer multiple workshops...

It will be an exciting day in Marathon when The Art Studio opens. Not since the Bougainvillea Gallery closed years and years ago has there been a...

Unke named as principal at Stanley Switlik Elementary – School Kindergarteners that knew him...

He’s coming back. The Monroe County School Board is expected to approve Brett Unke as the new principal for Stanley Switlik Elementary at tonight’s workshop and meeting in...
A man holding a fish on a boat in the water - Tuna

Keys anglers should be targeting the hot snapper bite

As last week was mini lobster season, most of The Weekly readers probably spent their time in the water as opposed to on top of it. Hopefully,...
A street filled with lots of traffic - Car

Marathon to ‘soften’ its look – Consultant hired to speed new street lights through...

Retrofitting Marathon’s street light design isn’t as easy as it sounds. That’s because the lights — running from Coco Plum Drive to about 37th Street along U.S.1...
A group of people posing for a photo - Tree

From scruffy to super – Organized cleanup goes one step further

The Monroe County Sheriff’s Office and community members joined forces earlier in the month to clean up an overgrown property in the center of Marathon. Sheriff’s Sgt....
A person swimming underwater - Scuba diving

Agencies team up to enforce lobster law – Lobster mini season usually results in...

Whether it’s ignorance or willful disobedience, lobster mobsters get their just desserts in the Florida Keys. In 2011, there were 73 arrest and notices to appear issued...
A man holding a fish in the water - Florida Keys

Worm hatch happened during weird moon phase, odd tide

We’ve had some great unexpected fishing events that occurred these last few weeks, the Atlantic palolo worm hatch and tailing sailfish. Both are common happenings here in...
Fireworks at night - Fireworks

4th of July Events in the Keys!

KEY LARGO  The Key Largo parade is set to roll north at 10 a.m. from the parking lot at Anthony’s Clothing Store, MM 98.2 on the center median...
A person riding on the back of a truck - /m/083vt

New aquarium under construction – Almost 60 years ago, similar attraction existed in same...

Fifty-six years ago, Marathon almost had an aquarium. And now construction has begun to build a new facility — in exactly the same spot. “If you look closely...

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