Cavallo Equestrian Arts LLC announces Marathon tour dates for its show Ma’Ceo, featuring  featuring equestrian stunt work combining traditional dressage, aerial performance, Cossack riding and vaulting, performed by acrobats and riders.

As a break from today’s age of frills and technology, the world of Ma’Ceo aims to take people back to the roots of gypsy heritage.

“It is our dream to show the world the relationship we share with our horses, and the sheer excitement that they bring to all the lives they touch,” said Olissio Zoppe, Ma’Ceo’s show director and owner of Cavallo Equestrian Arts.

Ma’Ceo presents acoustic music in a gypsy ring that sets the scene for the performance. A cast of artists from around the world attempt stunts and display dexterous feats. 

The artists from Ma’Ceo have also performed in shows such as Cavalia, Cirque Du Soleil, Arabian Nights and Ringling Bros. Barnum & Bailey.

Up to 10 different breeds of horses perform the most classic of riding styles from dressage to gypsy bareback in a high-energy, fully-choreographed, multicultural experience.

Cirque Ma’Ceo will return under the big top at San Pablo Catholic Church in Marathon, located at 550 122nd Street Ocean. Before and after the show, attendees will have opportunities to meet the performers along with more than a dozen horses, take photographs and visit the stables. More information is at