two men standing at a podium with a microphone

The Bubbas July 20 award show at Key West Theater included plenty of political jabs at local — and thankfully thick-skinned — candidates. It featured a musical performance by Mike Stack and Nick Norman and a hilarious comedy bit by Tom Dustin from Comedy Key West.

But no Bubbas event would be complete with the ever-popular Top 10 List. 

In case you missed it that night, here is the 11th annual edition of…

You Might Be a Bubba if…

10. You recently masterminded the firing of a city manager.

9. Someone with the last name Barrios has either put you in jail, gotten you out of jail or was in jail with you.  

8. You still pay the same price for a “daily paper” that only comes out twice a week.

7. You’ve been referring to Dee Dee as “the mayor”  since she was the tax collector. 

6. Your family tree is shaped like a tickle stick. 

5. After Niles Sales and Service was sold, you had to go back to smuggling to support your kid’s little league team.

4. You are radically vocal about “shopping local,” but have your own table at Outback. 

3. Your uncle, cousin or biological father is in the hit documentary “Cocaine Cowboys.”

2. Your business lost more money after the TDC audits than it did during COVID.

  1. Lower Keys Medical Center owes YOU money.