Don Maynard, researcher with the UF/IFAS, compares a Calabaza, left, with the typical North American pumpkin. UF/IFAS/Contributed

    Pumpkins hold significant cultural value worldwide, symbolizing themes of harvest, abundance and changing seasons. They are versatile in culinary traditions, from pumpkin pies to soups. Beyond culinary use, pumpkins have become iconic in art and folklore, closely associated with creating Jack-o’-lanterns. The Jack-o’-lantern tradition has its roots in Ireland. Initially, it involved carved turnips, beets and potato lanterns with spooky faces to ward off evil spirits or welcome the deceased. Pumpkins gradually replaced these vegetables as they proved more convenient for carving.

    Pumpkin Origins

    Pumpkins are native to the Americas, specifically in regions now part of modern-day Mexico and the southwestern United States. Their cultivation dates back over 7,000 years, with the Aztecs and Native American tribes being some of the first pumpkin growers.

    Nutritional Value 

    Pumpkins offer a range of nutritional benefits. Flesh is low in calories and high in dietary fiber. Pumpkins are rich in vitamins A, C and B. They also provide essential minerals like potassium, calcium and magnesium. Pumpkin seeds, known as pepitas, contribute healthy fats, including omega-3 fatty acids, and are protein-rich.

    Botanical Features

    Pumpkins, members of the Cucurbitaceae family, exhibit distinct botanical characteristics. They are sprawling, vining plants with large palmate leaves. These plants produce male and female flowers, essential for pollination, and often develop tendrils for climbing support. The fruit’s shape, size and color feature rugged, ribbed skin and numerous seeds embedded in fibrous flesh. Pumpkins are classified as climacteric fruits, continuing to ripen after harvest and are typically grown as annual plants with a life cycle maturing over a year.


    Successful pumpkin cultivation involves a series of techniques:

    • Select a sunny, well-drained location with ample space or a structure for sprawling vines.
    • Add organic matter like compost to improve fertility and drainage.
    • Be consistent with irrigation and use mulch.
    • Apply a balanced, slow-release fertilizer.
    • Promote pollination through natural bee activity or hand pollination.
    • Be vigilant against common pests and diseases.
    • Pumpkins can be composted by burying them.

    Florida Varieties

    Various pumpkin varieties can be cultivated in Florida, ranging from giant carving pumpkins to more petite culinary favorites. Among the extensive pumpkin options, Howden and Jackpot are favored for Florida growers. Other large varieties well-suited to Florida’s climate include Big Max, Big Moon, Jack O’ Lantern, Spirit and Funny Face. 

    South Florida pumpkin cultivation also includes heat-tolerant varieties, such as Seminole Pumpkins and Calabaza. Seminole pumpkins are resistant to pests and thrive in the heat. They yield smaller, sweet pumpkins similar in flavor to butternut squash, with vines extending up to 25 feet. Calabaza, a tropical pumpkin commonly grown in the Caribbean, has a good taste and can withstand high temperatures and humid conditions.

    Challenges in the Keys

    Cultivating pumpkins in the Florida Keys can be arduous, given the challenging tropical climate and alkaline soils. Raised beds with amended soils and climbing structures for vine support are good ideas for a better chance of success. Raised beds facilitate control over soil quality, including pH and nutrient levels. Selecting adaptable and resilient pumpkin varieties such as Seminole pumpkins and Calabaza is essential for a successful harvest in the Florida Keys.

    For more horticultural advice, contact the UF IFAS Monroe County Extension office at 305-292-4501.  

    Maria Quirico
    Maria Quirico is the University of Florida, IFAS Monroe County Extension Environmental Horticulture Agent. In this role, she actively promotes the principles of Florida-Friendly Landscaping™ and offers the community essential education, guidance, and resources concerning horticultural and environmental topics.