Keys Schools

School safety still top priority

Coming off spring break, the shooting that took place on Valentine’s Day in Parkland, Fla. is still fresh on the minds of the legislature, school board, teachers,...
Avenue Q

“Avenue Q” comes back to Key West

One of the most celebrated productions in the Waterfront Playhouse returns next week for a three-week run. The entire run of “Avenue Q” last season sold out. “I’m thrilled...
One Weekend Only

Don’t miss ‘One Weekend Only’

“One Weekend Only” takes the stage in Marathon on Friday and Saturday, March 23-24. Tap dancing in the rain? Check. Funny Easter Bunny? Check. Ladies singing about...
Katrina Cottages now a Keys thing - A house with a lawn in front of a building - Katrina Cottage

Katrina Cottages now a Keys thing

The first three Florida “Keys Cottages” are set to break ground at the end of the month in one of the hardest hit areas in Big Pine...
Extra $1.6 million for tourism advertising - A person flying a kite in a boat on the water - Tourist Development Council

Extra $1.6 million for tourism advertising

The Monroe County Tourist Development Council wants unallocated capital resource money to be used for advertising the Florida Keys. Before 2017, any unallocated building project money, unused capital,...
Still in the spotlight – Breuer returns to Key West - Jim Breuer

Still in the spotlight – Breuer returns to Key West

Last year he blew everyone away, Key West audiences said it was the funniest show of the year. Comedian Jim Breuer is back at the Key West...
Holly Given

Deadline extended for Holly Given Memorial Scholarship

The Upper Keys Business and Professional Women are extending the deadline for the Holly Given Memorial Scholarship and Adult Women Scholarship to Saturday, March 31. The Holly...
Multi-tasking with Rachel Bowman - A person standing next to a body of water - Red lionfish

Multi-tasking with Rachel Bowman

“Are we doing this now?” Rachel Bowman asked, while slinging sunset cocktails and conch ceviche three deep at Kracken Up, the upstairs bar at Keys Fisheries. Her...
Food Truck Festival

Key West Food Truck Festival at Fort East Martello

What could be better than a day-long concert in a field by the sea, complete with a bevy of food trucks for the choosing?  On Saturday, March...
Breaking ground: Seafood Fest musician defies boundaries - A man standing in front of a building - Vacation

Breaking ground: Seafood Fest musician defies boundaries

Ricky Valido, 25, is essentially an Everglades Cowboy. His experience with the raw outdoors comes from the west of his Hialeah home. And he plays country music,...

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