Rare And Endangered: The Florida Panther And Us

“How America’s most endangered cat could help save Florida.” The headline in National Geographic (NatGeo)’s latest feature on the rare and endangered Florida panther kindles an ambitious hope...


Unama’ki, a 15-foot, 2,076-pound adult female great white shark, is the latest "snowbird" visiting the Florida Keys. Early Thursday morning, she “pinged” off Key Largo, setting off...

Proper Everglades restoration will alleviate many environmental concerns, expert says

It’s all about getting the water right.  That was the message that Steve Davis, senior ecologist and vice president of communications and engagement for The Everglades Foundation gave...

Feds approve Oxitec mosquito trial

The federal Environmental Protection Agency has approved field tests for Oxitec’s biologically modified mosquitoes. If approved by the state of Florida and local authorities, the first tests...

Why this weird Earth Day might actually be the best one yet

None of us lives here because it’s ugly. As my editor Jim always says, the one thing everyone in the Keys can get behind is the environment....
‘TROUBLED WATERS’ - A turtle swimming under water - WLRN-FM


WLRN’s new documentary “Troubled Waters: Turtle’s Tale” explores the impact of human behavior on our environment — as seen through the lens of one of the Keys’...

Mote goes ‘ReMote’ with Keys-centric education & social media

Mote Marine Laboratory’s Summerland Key facility, The Elizabeth Moore International Center for Coral Reef Research and Restoration, is currently closed to tours and outside visitors. However, their...
‘Florida Man’ wins! - A person standing next to a body of water - Florida Keys

‘Florida Man’ wins!

Marathon’s Rachel Bowman was personally recruited to take a spot on the “Florida Man” team for this past weekend’s Emerald Coast Open, formerly the Lionfish World Tournament....


It’s not that my wife hates birdwatching. She just has very stringent standards for when she will go. The idea of walking around for hours, staring into bushes,...
Crocodile Facts - A man standing next to a pile of dirt - Crocodile

Crocodile Facts

DOING WELL, THANKS The American crocodile is an endangered species success story. According to the FWC, since 1975 their numbers have increased from fewer than 300 to more...

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