a dog wearing sunglasses and a hat on a leash
Captain, a blind golden retriever, enjoys his visit to the Gigantic Nautical Market. KEYS WEEKLY FILE PHOTO

Tens of thousands of visitors will enter the gates during the two-day Gigantic Nautical Market at Founders Park in Islamorada. Awaiting their arrival are hundreds of vendors, as well as local student volunteers and an army of Rotarians devoting their time at the bus stops, front gates and on park grounds at drink booths. 

Here are some fun facts. Event attendance in recent years has topped 25,000 over the two-day Gigantic Nautical Market. More than 50% of the attendees are from outside Florida (we get a lot of visitors from New Jersey and Michigan and more than three-quarters of the attendees are from outside the Florida Keys. Most people often say they plan their Keys vacations around the Gigantic Nautical Market. 

Whether you’re new or a seasoned individual to this event, there are tips to effectively work your way through the Gigantic Nautical Market. Are you curious where drink stations or the ATMs are located? Or, perhaps you’re seeking your favorite vendor. And hey, where are the bathrooms? We have you covered. 

View the interactive map

Visit on your cell phones or flip to pages 16-17 for the map. 

Cash or card?

Three ATMs are available: one at the southwest gate entrance, the second toward the front of the great lawn next to booth 188 and the third next to booth 123. Those wishing to donate to Rotary can do so by credit card at the front gates and at the beverage stations.

Finding the bathrooms

Porta potties are located throughout the park. The bathroom facility at the beach tends to be busy. Try visiting the facility across the tennis courts and at the front of the park across the Chamber of Commerce building. 

Refilling water bottles

Find water stations at the tennis courts, restrooms near the amphitheater, at the aquatic center, pickleball courts, basketball court/soccer fields, near the outdoor fitness park and beach restroom. 

Dogs are welcome, but beware of hot blacktop!

Leashed dogs are welcome to join you at the event. If the sun is shining on a hot day, know that the blacktop will be scorching hot for your furry friend’s paws. 

I could also win money? 

Why, yes! Scan the QR code to enter yourself into the 50/50. 

Any other questions? 

Find one of the many volunteers at the event! (They’ll all be wearing the same colored shirt).