Staff from your Monroe County Public Library recommend some of their favorites from the collection.
What: “After I Do” by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Why: After 10 years of living together and then being married, Lauren and Ryan have reached a point where they can’t stand each other. Do you just throw in the towel or try something … perhaps different? Separate for 12 months and then reconnect. Rules: no contact whatsoever. We all think about leaving our spouse at some point, but the temporary nature of Lauren and Ryan’s arrangement makes this book a great philosophical exercise. Without society’s rules, what would any of us do differently? Am I still a wife if I step outside society’s rules? I highly recommend this book.
Where: You can get this as an e-book and e-audiobook from the Monroe County Public Library system.
How: You can request books, including e-books and e-audiobooks, online by logging in to your account at If you don’t have a card, you can visit your local branch or register online to get one. Questions?
Recommended by: Amy Skerly, library assistant, Key West librarySee previous recommendations at