The Key West Harry S. Truman Foundation, in partnership with the Society of Presidential Descendants, will host a series of events over Presidents’ Weekend, Thursday, Feb. 13 through Monday, Feb. 17 at the Harry S. Truman Little White House, 111 Front St.
Events kick off on Thursday, Feb. 13 with “Happy Hour at Harry’s” from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. featuring light hors d’oeuvres and a specialty bourbon cocktail, beer, wine or non-alcoholic beverage at the Truman Little White House.
The centerpiece event is a forum discussion on Saturday, Feb. 15, among presidential descendants before a live audience that will be moderated by Kurt Graham, former director of Independence, Missouri’s federally operated Harry S. Truman Presidential Library and Museum. The topic will be “Historic Preservation — Artifacts, Objects and Sites. Preserving our nation’s history for future generations.”
Participants include James Carter, grandson of the recently deceased Jimmy Carter; Clifton Truman Daniel, grandson of Harry S. Truman; Ulysses Grant Dietz, great-great-grandson of Ulysses S. Grant; Mary Jean Eisenhower, granddaughter of Dwight D. Eisenhower; Massee McKinley, great-great grandson of Grover Cleveland; Tweed Roosevelt, great-grandson of Theodore Roosevelt, and Patricia Taft, great-granddaughter of William H. Taft.

Following the forum, attending presidential descendants will introduce winners of this year’s Monroe County student essay competition.
On Sunday and Monday evening, Feb. 16 and 17, Daniel will deliver live performances of “Give ‘Em Hell, Harry,” the one-man-show written by Samuel Gallu that spotlights the life and presidency of his grandfather, Harry S. Truman. The show takes place outdoors on the grounds of the Harry S. Truman Little White House.
During the daytime on Monday, Feb. 17, the Little White House will host a family-friendly Presidents’ Day cookout, with hamburgers, veggie burgers and hot dogs for purchase. A cash bar will also be available and attendees are welcome to bring a picnic blanket.
Key West’s event is the largest annual Presidents Weekend gathering of presidential descendants in the country. Events are held at the property where Truman spent 11 working vacations from 1945-53. More information is at trumanlittlewhitehouse.org.