Reef gets his mouth on the Local 10 News microphone. CONTRIBUTED

Hi friends! Reef the fox here with your weekly “Reef’s Report.” Boy oh boy, do I have some news for you all. On July 11, my new best friend, Jacey Birch, animal advocate from Channel 10 News, came down to interview me for a feature. That’s right, friends. I was featured on South Florida’s leading news station. 

During the visit, I got to talk into the fancy microphone and everything. Jacey even asked if I would consider making the switch from newspaper to television. Can you believe it? I mean, my on-screen presence is nothing short of award-winning and I definitely have the personality to captivate audiences for long periods of time. 

Jacey Birch really came down to interview my mom, Nicole Navarro, about why she started Pawsitive Beginnings, what inspired her to start taking in foxes saved from fur farms, what people can do to help us and what the future looks like for us. She did offer me a job though. At least that’s how I perceived it. Don’t worry friends, I don’t think I’m ready to leave the Keys Weekly news staff just yet. There wasn’t even a talk of a benefits package with Channel 10, so that was suspicious for sure. 

This feature should air in a few weeks, so be sure to keep your eyes on Channel 10 so you don’t miss it. But, if you do I am positive my mom will post the link to our social media pages so you can go back and watch. 

In other news, Libby and Louie went to see a new vet over the weekend up in Homestead. Avocado Animal Hospital was amazing enough to squeeze us in when Libby and Louie’s allergies exploded over a period of 72 hours. Some people may be thinking, “foxes can get allergies?” The answer, my friends, is yes. Simply put, foxes that are bred into existence for the sole purpose of fur quality often have health issues that their wild counterparts may not, allergies being one. We had a full panel allergy test done on yours truly over one year ago and I tested as being allergic to everything from dust mites to mango. So unfortunately, it is just another side effect, so to speak, of the breeding practices that take place on fur farms that prioritize looks over health. 

But Libby and Louie did well at the vet. Mom had to drop them off and I hear she went shopping in Homestead, but I did not receive one single gift, so I’ll have to have a word with her about that.

Anywho, that’s all for this week. Stay up to date with all things fox by heading to our website and following the links to our social media channels at

Until next time, Reef, over and out!

Reef the Fox
Reef was born on a fur farm on or around March 28, 2021. He was able to be rescued when his mother and siblings started to reject him. Reef is missing toes on his front, right paw and the tip of his tail is missing due to injuries sustained in his short time on the fur farm. Reef arrived at Key Largo on May 6, 2021 by Nicole Navarro, of Pawsitive Beginnings Inc.