Community Health Improvement Plan chairpersons are recognized by the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County at the Gato Building in Key West on Feb. 13. From left, Brandie Peretz, CHIP lead/epidemiology manager; Jody Gross, Leadership Monroe County health coordinator and chairwoman for Choose Health — Partnership for a Healthier Florida Keys Health in all policies health priority; Dr. Carla Fry, assistant county health administrator for DOH-Monroe; Michael Cunningham, CEO for Florida Keys AHEC and chairman for the access to care health priority; Maureen Dunleavy, regional vice president for Guidance/Care Center Inc. and chairwoman for mental health and substance abuse health priority; and Alison Kerr, director of community health improvement and planning for DOH-Monroe. JENNIFER LEFLAR/DOH-Monroe

On Feb. 13, the Florida Department of Health in Monroe County recognized three chairpersons for Monroe County’s Community Health Improvement Plan (CHIP) and associated county health partners.

These three individuals were recognized for their dedication the last five years and for their tireless work toward the betterment of health among Monroe County residents. The county’s health priorities, as identified by key stakeholders and residents in the 2019-2024 CHIP, include access to care, mental health, substance abuse and health in all policies. 
The department is working on renewing the CHIP and invites all residents to complete the well-being survey available by scanning the QR code. The survey takes 5 minutes to complete and is available in English, Spanish and Haitian Creole. The results of the survey will help identify the next three health priorities for succeeding years of the Monroe County CHIP. For more information about CHIP and to read the reports, visit or email