Samuel’s House women and families shelter invites people everywhere to join this year’s first-ever Virtual Southernmost Polar Plunge and plunge their way, any way, however and wherever they desire — as long as they get wet.

The annual event typically takes place on one day at a local pool, as a spoof of the traditionally freezing plunges that occur in lakes and oceans in northern climes, where winter temperatures fall well below our more comfortable 73 degrees.

In adapting its fundraiser to COVID, Samuel’s House created an online plunge fundraiser and contest that will last the month of February.

Supporters are urged to sign up with a $30 entry fee, then film a short video of their own chosen “plunge,” and send it to Samuel’s House with their names and location information.

Prizes will be awarded for Most Unique, Best Costume and Best Group Plunge (featuring two or more people.)

Sponsorships are also available for $100 to $500 and include the sponsor’s name and logo on the official event tote bag, on social media promotions and on local signage in Key West.

To register for the plunge, visit the Samuel’s House Southernmost Polar Plunge event page on Facebook and click the registration link.

Then film your video (60 seconds or shorter) and follow instructions to upload it to Samuel’s House via using the email address In the message box, type #southernmostpolarplunge.

Share your videos on social media and with Samuel’s House. Submissions will be accepted through the month of February.

For more information, visit