The Keys Weekly is proud to feature local middle-school students and their answers to some fun questions in our Kids Weekly segment. Instead of asking about their favorite teacher or school subject, we want to know what superpower they’d most like to have, their favorite YouTube channel and the hardest part about being a kid today. 

Name: Kai LaMontagne
School: Sigsbee Charter School
Grade: 8

Activities: Watch YouTube, listen to music, draw and create art, talk to my friends, stuff like that, y’know?

What superpower would you most like to have, and why? Shapeshifting.

If you could make a rule for the whole world to follow, what would it be? Nobody can be genuinely mean. Like, playing mean is fine, but, for example, bullying, homophobia, racism, etc. is bad.

What makes you laugh? My friends

When do you think a kid is old enough to have a cell phone? Probably 10 or 11? Because, like, I’m aggravated that I don’t have a phone and I’m 13. But it’s OK. I  don’t blame my mom. She has her reasons.

What’s your favorite YouTube Channel? Lavendertowne. She’s an artist and makes videos that ask what if (blank) was a human? She offers tips for drawing and other stuff.

The hardest part about being a kid is … No freedom. I can’t do anything. Also, I’m dumb and don’t know anything.

The hardest part about being an adult must be … Responsibilities. Like with great power (i.e. freedom) comes great responsibility. But I just wanna be able to do whatever I want and have no consequences. #boyboss
When I grow up, I want to … have a singular cat and love it with all my heart.

To have your fifth, sixth, seventh or eighth graders included, please contact Key West Editor Mandy Miles at for the questionnaire and directions for photo submissions. 

Name:  Parker York
School: Key Largo School 
Grade: 4

Activities: Basketball, baseball, soccer and football 

What superpower would you most like to have, and why? Make webs like Spiderman to catch criminals.

If you could make a rule for the whole world to follow, what would it be? Be nice and not be mean to others.

What makes you laugh? A good joke, or somebody staring at my eyes for some reason.

When do you think a kid is old enough to have a cell phone? 8 years.

What’s your favorite YouTube Channel? Typical Gamer.

The hardest part about being a kid is School.

The hardest part about being an adult must be Work and kids.

When I grow up, I want to … Be in the military because my dad is in the Air Force. He fixes jets.

We thank our future leaders and Key Largo School for allowing us to share in a weekly dose of “Tornadoes” pride and for giving us a glimpse into their world.

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