What: “Certain Dark Things” by Silvia Moreno-Garcia
Why: What an engrossing, vibrant new take on vampires. Part forbidden-love story, part revenge caper, part bloodbath, this is easily one of my favorite vampire stories now. This neo-noir centers around Domingo, a castaway in Mexico City’s underbelly, and Atl, an Aztec vampire on the run. There is a deep and complex social structure, based on physical prowess, separating Aztec and European vampires. This divide between vampires, as well as the human-vampire rift, shines a stark light on the haves and have-nots. Moreno-Garcia is so deft at telling whirlwind stories while also presenting important social commentary.
Where: This is available as an e-book and e-audiobook from the Monroe County Public Library system.
How: You can request books online by logging in to your account keyslibraries.org and get e-books and e-audiobooks 24/7 at estuff.keyslibraries.org. If you don’t have a card, you can visit your local branch or register online to get one. Questions? info@keyslibraries.org
Recommended by: Riona Campbell, library associate, Key West library
See previous recommendations at keyslibraries.org/shelf-help.