Nicole Navarro, Pawsitive Beginnings founder and new social media manager for the Florida Keys Children’s Shelter, with Ben Kemmer, CEO for the children’s shelter. CONTRIBUTED

Hi friends! Reef the fox here with your weekly “Reef’s Report.” 

My mom, Nicole Navarro, has officially taken on a new role as the social media manager for the Florida Keys Children’s Shelter. That’s right, folks, she’s expanding her empire beyond foxes and into the world of helping kids who need safety, love and a fresh start.

Now, let’s get one thing straight. I fully support my mom’s never-ending quest to make the world a better place. After all, she literally saved my life and has dedicated herself to giving foxes like me the second chance we deserve. She’s all about turning pain into purpose, and if she can use her magic to help kiddos the way she’s helped the rescued residents of Pawsitive Beginnings, then I guess I can allow this new adventure.

But. Let’s discuss the impact of this development on the most important creature in her life, me! The potential issues at hand: Quality time concerns. Will there be a decrease in “Reef Snuggle Time?” I require a certain amount of ear scratches, dramatic zoomies, and being told I’m the most handsome fox in existence to function at my best. If this job cuts into my daily affirmations, we’re gonna have words. Social media priorities: As a fox-fluencer, I expect my brand to be maintained at its usual five-star standard. Will my perfectly crafted Instagram posts suffer? Will the world still get their daily dose of my ridiculous antics and devastating good looks? I demand reassurance.

The obvious upside: If there’s anyone who understands what it’s like to feel lost and in need of love, it’s me. I was tossed aside by humans who saw me as nothing more than a product, and my mom fought like crazy to give me a new life. The kids at the Florida Keys Children’s Shelter? They’re also searching for safety, love and a place where they can finally feel at home. And if my mom can give them even a fraction of the dedication she gives to us foxes, then I know they’re in good hands. She’s going to be out there telling their stories, shining a light on their resilience, and making sure the world knows how incredible they are, just like she does for us at Pawsitive Beginnings.

Final verdict: Even though I may have to share my mom with even more humans now, I get it. She’s meant to do this work. She was born to be a voice for the voiceless, whether they have fur, feathers, or just big hearts in need of healing.

Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to dramatically flop onto my bed and sigh for dramatic effect.

Until next time, Reef, over and out!

Reef the Fox
Reef was born on a fur farm on or around March 28, 2021. He was able to be rescued when his mother and siblings started to reject him. Reef is missing toes on his front, right paw and the tip of his tail is missing due to injuries sustained in his short time on the fur farm. Reef arrived at Key Largo on May 6, 2021 by Nicole Navarro, of Pawsitive Beginnings Inc.