A former entry in the Smallest Parade in the Universe took home the first-place prize. CONTRIBUTED

Key West’s life-sized Fantasy Fest parade is a spectacle to behold during the island’s biggest party, but so is its opposite, the Smallest Parade in the Universe, which returns to The Studios of Key West at 7 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 22. It will be hosted live by Gwen Filosa and all miniature floats will be auctioned off for charity.

The Smallest Parade in the Universe is a fundraiser for MARC, the Monroe Association for Remarkable Citizens and an official Fantasy Fest event. 

Organizers are calling for float designers to enter to win cash prizes of $1,000 for first place, $500 for second place and $250 for third place. 

“Calling all artists, bakers, woodworkers, architects, float builders, craftspeople, knitters, sculptors, inventors and more. We want you to use your artistic talents to build a tiny float that reflects the 2022 Fantasy Fest theme of “Cult Classics and Cartoon Chaos.” 


This is a PG-13-rated event, so think fun and funny when designing your floats. 

Floats can be no larger than 18 inches long, 18 inches wide or 18 inches high. No means of propulsion is needed. The floats will move down the parade route on a moving track. They move from right to left, so the right, starboard, “passenger” side of the float is the back and the “driver’s” side faces the audience.

Lights and animated elements may be added to the float as long as it is done safely and totally within the dimensions. Please place all switches on the back of your entry and include a tech note for parade staff.

Floats will be carried by parade staff to the conveyor and then to the silent auction or pickup area.  Make it easy for them by making the floats carry-friendly. Consider weight, loose parts, and wiggly things. Handles are nice.

Sign your float with your name, its title and the year.

No open flames, live animals, uncontained liquids, politics, blatant advertising or hazardous materials, please.For any questions, email