a man and woman pose for a picture in a restaurant
Bubbas winners celebrate their success at the 2023 awards show, held annually at the Key West Theater. RALPH De PALMA/Keys Weekly

Welcome back to the Bubbas: Key West People’s Choice Awards, now in its 11th year of recognizing the best of our community for the good of our community.

Since its inception, more than 1,000 winners have been crowned in nearly 100 categories, and over $175,000 has been raised for local nonprofits. This year’s nonprofit recipient is Wesley House Family Services, whose mission is to promote and enhance the safety, well-being and development of children by educating, supporting and meeting the needs of families.

“When Jason (Koler) and I started this in 2013, we honestly had no idea the Bubbas would become such a recognized part of Key West culture,” said Key West Weekly owner Britt Myers. “But we wanted to do something that celebrated the community, while helping local causes we support. Here we are, more than a decade later,  and one of my favorite stages of the Bubbas is still the anticipation leading up to the voting and our winners’ gala. 

“Last year our interactive voting map showed participation from six continents and over 44 countries. And our annual winners’ gala is one evening that brings together so many different people, from various walks of life, to laugh with one another and celebrate this community. This year, every dollar raised benefits Wesley House, which dedicates itself to local kids and families.

As the nomination process begins this week at, we want to remind our voters about the process and timelines. And either way, we remind everyone to have fun with the contest. After all, winners are subjective. But the experiences and bonds of a community are enduring. 

“Thanks for allowing us to play our small part here in Key West and we look forward to supporting Wesley House in 2024.”

a man holding up a sign in front of a red carpet


Nominate your favorites: May 30 (noon) — June 16 (midnight) at

Log in to starting at noon on Thursday, May 30 to nominate your favorites in each category. Voters can vote once per day in all categories. So visit often, or daily, throughout the nomination process — May 30 to June 16 — to propose your favorite finalists. Keys Weekly does not choose the finalists that appear on the ballot. Nominations are entirely up to the public.

The top three nominees in each category are placed on the finalists’ ballot. We do not create the top three (a commonly asked question). You, the voters, decide the top three finalists from among your nominees, each and every year. Updates and reminders will be provided by the Keys Weekly in print, digital and social media throughout the Bubbas process. 

Vote for the winning finalists: June 20 (noon) to July 7 (midnight). 

The top 3 nominees in each category make the finalists’ ballot. Voters will choose from the top 3 nominees in each category to decide the winner of that category’s Bubba Award. 

Voting for the finalists in each category begins at noon on June 20 at and ends at midnight on July 7. During this stage, voters can submit one online ballot per day. There is no charge to participate, and only your email address is needed to nominate and vote. Visit often throughout the process and submit one ballot a day. Updates and reminders will be provided at, in our daily e-blast, Key West Weekly print editions and social media. 

The Final Event: Awards Show July 20 at Key West Theater 

The 11th annual Bubbas: Key West People’s Choice Awards Gala takes place on July 20 at the Key West Theater and has evolved into one of the most anticipated events in town. Tickets are limited and generally are not made available to the public due to demand. Winners, nominees and dignitaries are invited and additional attendees are selected from a first-come, first-served waiting list. 

Mandy Miles
Mandy Miles drops stuff, breaks things and falls down more than any adult should. An award-winning writer, reporter and columnist, she's been stringing words together in Key West since 1998. "Local news is crucial," she says. "It informs and connects a community. It prompts conversation. It gets people involved, holds people accountable. The Keys Weekly takes its responsibility seriously. Our owners are raising families in Key West & Marathon. Our writers live in the communities we cover - Key West, Marathon & the Upper Keys. We respect our readers. We question our leaders. We believe in the Florida Keys community. And we like to have a good time." Mandy's married to a saintly — and handy — fishing captain, and can't imagine living anywhere else.