Kimorah Jones is a seventh grader at Sigsbee Charter School. JACK MITCHELL/Keys Weekly

“It is easier to build strong children than to repair broken (adults).” — Frederick Douglass

The Key West Weekly is proud to introduce Kids Weekly, where we feature middle-school students from Key West and the Lower Keys, giving them a voice and printing their answers to some fun questions. 

Instead of asking about their favorite teacher or school subject, we want to know the important stuff — what superpower they’d most like to have, their favorite YouTube channels, what makes them laugh and the hardest part about being a kid today. 

To have your school’s fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth graders included, please email Key West Editor Mandy Miles at for the questionnaire and directions for photo submissions. 

Special thanks to Sigsbee Charter School student Jack Mitchell and teacher Jessica Forsyth for helping us assemble the new Kids Weekly feature. 

Name: Kimorah Jones

School: Sigsbee Charter School

Grade:  7

Activities: Shop online, entertain myself with social media.

What superpower would you most like to have, and why? Invisibility because I can sneak and eavesdrop on conversations.

If you could make a rule for the whole world to follow, what would it be?  Be peaceful.

What makes you laugh? Stan Twitter videos

When do you think a kid is old enough to have a cell phone? 10 years old

What’s your favorite YouTube Channel? I don’t have one because I watch a mix of different videos.


The hardest part about being a kid is … keeping up with school and doing things on your parents’ schedule.

The hardest part about being an adult must be … keeping up with bills and paying bills.

When I grow up, I want to … be successful.

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