a woman sitting on a chair in front of paintings
Elena Madden surrounded by her artwork inside her gallery.

There is a certain rush when you see a tarpon moving just below the water’s surface.  Maybe it is the fish’s prehistoric features or the color that reflects off its scales.

Anyway you look at it, it is a magical moment. This essence of magic has been captured in a painting.  When you walk into the main lobby area for Cheeca Lodge Resort in Islamorada, you are greeted by this enormous painting. The painting takes you to that moment, perhaps the moment and the reason you came to the Florida Keys in the first place.  

A symphony of color in the moment a tarpon glides through the water, reflecting stunning colors balanced by the colors found on the water’s surface. The painting, standing approximately 9-by-22 feet, takes the moment and makes it larger than life. The painting was created by local artist Elena Madden.

There is no way of denying that Madden is from the south — she exudes a polite energy and has an infectious accent that makes you feel instantly welcome in her presence. She was born in Columbia, South Carolina and went to school that is perhaps the more prestigious art school in the south, the Savannah College of Art and Design. 

If you ever get a chance to visit Savannah, Georgia, I highly recommend it. It is a city rich in history and is visually stunning — a great place for a budding artist. Madden has been a powerhouse of an artist since graduating, having many shows and exhibitions. How did we get from the south to the Florida Keys, which is ironically the southernmost portion in the US. geographically, but not culturally southern at all? Madden would visit the Florida Keys during her summers and fell in love with the light, periwinkle skies and sunsets of the Keys. 

In her own words, “Meditative explorations of water, light and ever-changing fluid surfaces work as inspiration. My process is drawn from memory, emotionally-driven absorbing power, energy and the beauty of my subject. … later to be expressed in my studio. Creating intuitively is liberating, in turn the viewers are free to have their own vision, interpretation gleaned from experience, nostalgia or see their world in a different way.”

Madden likes to work with Conte’ crayons and acrylics on cradled wood panels. Her work is based on reflection, light, energy and movement. When painting Madden doesn’t use references or photos, she will sketch a small thumbnail from memory and then refer to that when she creates the painting. Her paintings are greatly inspired by music. The music helps create the flow of the painting. Besides the light and reflections, music is her main muse when painting.  

While Madden listens to a wide variety of music, some of her favorites are Iron & Wine, Ben Howard, The Shins, Coltrane, Widespread Panic, Fiona Apple and Cage the Elephant. All the paintings start with a red base layer. She maps out the “bones” of the painting with a Conte’. She then layers acrylic paint on the painting moving from light to dark. Moving from transparent to opaque gives it a glow. Finally, she moves to using iridescence to create movement and shimmer. 

Madden’s parents were artists, and because of this, she has always lived a creative life. It was just natural to her because of her upbringing. Madden takes inspiration from the world around her, the light, energy and movement and then creates an expressive work through music with acrylics on wood panels. She is focused on her work — she will continue to grow and develop through her subject. To see Madden’s work, visit her gallery located at the Morada Way Arts & Cultural District at 81641 Old Highway or online at her website She also  has an exhibit at Chef Michael’s restaurant, the perfect place to eat wonderful food and be transported by Madden’s paintings. 

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William DePaula
William DePaula is an artist, designer and gemologist who believes in the power of art. From his early childhood onward, he has never stopped drawing, painting and creating. He envisions a world in which beauty is as important as function, where culture and history are respected, and where nature is at once powerful and vulnerable. Infusing an essence of life in all his paintings, DePaula understands beauty is accessible to all. DePaula's art has been featured in select art museums around the world.