Crane Point clears the creek - A small boat in a river - Water

Crane Point clears the creek

Crane Point Hammock Museum and Nature Center is clearing out what’s known as “Rachel Creek.” The little cut in the mangroves of the bayside property has existed...
Leslie Christensen makes dream getaways come true - A woman wearing a dress - Florida Keys

Leslie Christensen makes dream getaways come true

A day after moving to Marathon, Leslie Christensen found her dream job. “I was roped into going to a Rotary meeting with Theo and Geanine Derleth and afterwards...
Florida Keys react to DeSantis’ water plans - A large green landscape with a body of water - Everglades City

Florida Keys react to DeSantis’ water plans

Capt. Xavier Figueredo is very pleased with Florida’s new governor, straight out of the gate. “Gov. Ron DeSantis hit the ground with both feet running,” said Figueredo, a...
You Screen, I Screen: Sunscreen “Ban” Makes Waves - A group of people walking down a street - Reef Relief

You Screen, I Screen: Sunscreen “Ban” Makes Waves

On Jan. 15, demonstrators filled the sidewalks outside of Key West City Hall, brandishing signs with message like “Have Morals, Save the Corals.” Reef Relief, a nonprofit...
Country on the Island – Nashville Songwriters “In the Round” Jan. 27 - A group of people standing next to a guitar - Huck & Lilly

Country on the Island – Nashville Songwriters “In the Round” Jan. 27

Key West Theater and The Big Stage Productions are proud to present Nashville Songwriters “In the Round” on Sunday, Jan. 27. Key West Theater will host Phillip...
Local Marathon Anglers Featured on Syndicated Show - A group of people on a boat - Boat

Local Marathon Anglers Featured on Syndicated Show

Two Conchs Sport Fishing TV show is on the air, broadcast on the Sportsman Channel. “I was up this morning watching it,” said Capt. Jack Carlson of Two...
DMP in the House – Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell checks in from the Hill - Nancy Pelosi et al. posing for a photo - Debbie Mucarsel-Powell

DMP in the House – Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell checks in from the Hill

On January 3, Florida’s 26th district new representative Rep. Debbie Mucarsel-Powell was sworn into the House of Representatives and began serving her constituents immediately. At the official...
Agencies partner to get residents back in their homes - A man standing in front of a building - Porch

Agencies partner to get residents back in their homes

In mid-November, the American Red Cross redoubled its efforts in the Florida Keys post-Irma by sending out teams to canvass neighborhoods looking for affected residents. Seven weeks...
Frank’s Grill. Where Tradition Meets Delicious Eats in the Heart of Marathon - A person standing in front of a cake - Frank's Grill

Frank’s Grill. Where Tradition Meets Delicious Eats in the Heart of Marathon

By Nele Kirt Frank Farello has a long history of cooking in Marathon. But Frank’s Grill’s popularity has everything to do with his day-to-day successes as a chef....
Angie Aparo in Key West: The Greatest Musician You Have Never Heard - A close up of an animal - Visual arts

Angie Aparo in Key West: The Greatest Musician You Have Never Heard

Angie Aparo might very well be the greatest vocalist and songwriter you have never heard. He has written songs with or for Miley Cyrus, Tim McGraw and...

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