#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

(Not So) Sterling Behavior corrected by Commissioner Silver

The 1919 World Series is remembered for the Chicago Black Sox scandal, where eight players of the White Sox were indicted and tried for “fixing” the Series...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

You just can’t make this stuff up – Part No. 257 in an ongoing series...

Sometimes, when faced with a deadline, there’s no better place for a columnist to go than the actual headlines of the day. There’s stuff so bizarre, so...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Newspaper headlines, not texting, forecast the demise of the English language – But texting...

The beginning of the 21st Century may be looked back upon as the time when the English language finally met its demise. Grammar and spelling violations have...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

A guide to the local wildlife that doesn’t hang out in bars – Dangerous...

Visitors to our islands often notice that the various types of wildlife that inhabit these coral rocks are different that the species they have at home. No...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

The Complete Imbecile’s Guide to Facebook – Social media for the socially challenged…

The latest “Big Thing” to hit the Wonderful World of the InterWebs is the idea we now call “social media.” MySpace was the pioneer social networking hub;...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Old friends live on in our memory and on our phones

I was scrolling through contacts on my iPhone the other day, and came to the realization that I was indeed getting older. Sure, the gray hair and...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Seafood and Eat It! And Listen to the Music! – Florida’s Original Seafood Festival...

It’s time for our town’s biggest event, and it’s the Florida Keys second largest event behind only Fantasy Fest. That’s right – it’s Seafood Festival Weekend! While...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Wild Kingdom 2014 – Snakes and Lizards and Rats – Oh My! – What...

Marlin Perkins never prepared me for this. Aging boomers like myself remember watching the old Mutual of Omaha’s “Wild Kingdom” TV show back in the 1960s and 1970s....
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

The Complete Imbecile’s Guide

It’s been a long time since we’ve featured an expert to help the rest of us intellectually challenged individuals out with current issues. In the spirit of...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

30 Years On – What a long, strange trip it’s been…

Thirty years. Three decades gone by. 1984 was a big year in my world, and the world in general. Apple introduced the Macintosh. Michael Jackson was burned filming...

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