#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Angels & Demons at the Inferno – It would take a Da Vinci to...

Dan Brown writes interesting books, filled with historical arcana and geographically accurate settings. And the critics hate his incredibly wealthy guts. Most people know of Dan Brown through...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

More Newspaper Funnies – And Not The Comics

Regular readers of the Weekly know that every now and then I like to take a look at actual newspaper headlines that, well, should never have been...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

People Say The Darnedest Things! – Stupid is as stupid says, especially on the...

Which of the following paragraphs is true? 1) The Internet. The world’s largest and most comprehensive store of information. A research library at one’s immediate beck and call,...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

30 Years On – What a long, strange trip it’s been…

Thirty years. Three decades gone by. 1984 was a big year in my world, and the world in general. Apple introduced the Macintosh. Michael Jackson was burned filming...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

A googan’s* guide to safely operating a vessel in the Keys – Keys Disease

Those of you who are regular readers may recall Keys Disease Central’s periodic and often heroic efforts to promote safer roadways and just get people to use...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

You just can’t make this stuff up – Part No. 257 in an ongoing series...

Sometimes, when faced with a deadline, there’s no better place for a columnist to go than the actual headlines of the day. There’s stuff so bizarre, so...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

It’s the Holiday Season…

Welcome to another Holiday Season! Believe it or not, this really is my favorite time of the year! Regardless of the crass corporatization of our holidays, there...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

The Complete Imbecile’s Guide to Facebook – Social media for the socially challenged…

The latest “Big Thing” to hit the Wonderful World of the InterWebs is the idea we now call “social media.” MySpace was the pioneer social networking hub;...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

I went to a garden party … and it wasn’t pretty – Termites and...

Last weekend, while doing some routine yard work, I was witness to a life-and-death tableau that played out in front of my eyes not unlike what one...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Dysfunction Junction – How do we expect Congress to act responsibly when we send...

“Anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that ‘my ignorance is...

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