A woman holding a sign posing for the camera - Student

The Key West Weekly is proud to partner with Key West High School faculty and students in choosing “The Student of the Week.” Recipients are chosen on qualifications including academic standing, athletics, outstanding achievements, community involvement, individuality and moral fortitude. We thank our future leaders and KWHS for allowing us to share in a weekly dose of “Conch Pride” and congratulate all of the outstanding students of the week.

What organizations and activities are you involved with at Key West High School and why are they important to you? Competition and varsity cheerleading because it has given me great opportunities and good character.

Who has been your biggest inspiration at Key West High School and why? Ms. Ford because she truly cares about her students and is willing to always lend a helping hand.

What class has best prepared you for life after high school? Criminal Justice. I hope this will be my career path.

What advice would you give to underclassmen? Get involved, don’t procrastinate and always listen to your teachers.

What is your favorite social medium, why, and whom do you follow? Instagram, because I like communicating through it. I follow my peers and famous people.

What do you want to be remembered for at Key West High School? I want to be remembered as a genuine person that anyone could come to.

What three things do you want to accomplish before your 10-year high school reunion? I would like to graduate from college, get a good job, and eventually start a family.

Do you think you will make the Keys your permanent home? Why or why not? Most likely, because Key West is such a great community.

Finish this sentence: Living in the Keys has taught me … how to live without a mall.