The sun entered Aries last week, and it is the time of year when we experience rebirth. At the spring equinox, we integrate all the experiences and energies of the prior year and emerge as fresh individuals. Aries season reignites our fire, infuses us with new purpose, sets us off on a new individual path and girds our loins for the battles ahead. Find your courage and be decisive. This weekend, in the freshness of Aries season, we are experiencing a potent new beginning. On Saturday we have a partial solar eclipse in Aries, marking the last eclipse in Aries until 2032. Solar eclipses are new moons on steroids, and this eclipse is all about the forging of a brand new self to embark in a brand new world. Your own purpose and survival are at the forefront. That would be transit powerful enough, but on Sunday, immediately following the eclipse, Neptune moves into Aries. Neptune, the planet of dreams, illusions and peak spiritual experience, has been in Pisces for 13 years. When Neptune moves into Aries, we start a new era of inspiration and spiritualism until 2039. We’ll be taking our beliefs to the streets, developing new personal mythologies, and dreaming new adventures. 

Here are your horoscopes for the solar eclipse in Aries and Neptune’s ingress into Aries. Read for your rising and sun signs.


March 21 – April 19

Happy birthday to our warrior rams! If you read the intro, you’ll know there is a lot of action happening in Aries right now, and that means you are experiencing profound existential shifts this weekend. Your “I am” is changing, you are redefining yourself, and you are waking up to a new spiritual outlook. Patience does not come easily to Aries, but give it a shot during these shifts.


April 20 – May 20

This eclipse heralds a new way of being alone for you, Taurus. Developing a practice of courage in solitude can be profoundly empowering, and this eclipse beckons you to do just that. Atoning for mistakes, deep introspection and calm connection to the great everything are on the docket. You are starting a long trek into a new personal spirituality.


May 21 – June 20

A new community of support and/or a newfound awareness of the people in your life who support you is taking place. We are animals who rely on each other, and this eclipse asks you to drop the veil and see the people who are on your side. As Neptune moves into Aries, you may find a new community of shared beliefs that will inspire a deeper sense of connection and shared purpose.


June 21 – July 22

A fresh start is taking place in your work and public purpose. Big changes are afoot, so be ready to grab the bull by the horns and direct the movement when needed. Perhaps a new career or a new project is being presented to you. This may coincide with a new sense of mission in how you want to spend your time in the public sphere. Trust your intuition here.


July 23 – Aug. 22

The call to adventure hits everyone at some point, and right now it is your turn, Leo. Whether the call comes from the world outside or from your own need, this eclipse is calling on you to answer. Time for something brand-new, whether it is a new place or a new idea. Use this jaunt to spark a multiyear adventure into a fresh way of dreaming the world you inhabit. 


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22 

Consider how you invest your time, energy and talent in collective projects because that is about to change dramatically. We are always intertwined with others in purposive ways, and you are being offered a new method for doing so. You are beginning a process of infusing deep spiritual and intuitive drives into your mission with the collective. Trust your place within the cosmos.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

Partnership is important. The one-to-one relationships we have with the people that we do life with are fundamental, and you are being offered a new beginning with them. Perhaps a new chapter in your relationship or a new business partner are on the horizon. This period of time marks a fresh step forward in blending your soul with another. Move forward with faith and balance.


Oct. 23 – Nov. 21

You are being called to action, although it is not a battle cry per se. Rather, you are being called to get to work redefining how you put your purpose into all of the little everyday tasks that we all must participate in. Your well-being is a constant practice, and this eclipse begs you to find your stride. A fresh way of enacting your spiritual nature is upon you, so pay attention.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

The creative drive is a part of being human, and this eclipse infuses you with fresh inspiration for your creative output. Find your joy in putting your unique vision and experience into the world, however that aligns with your spark. Neptune’s ingress into Aries gives you a renewed sense of putting your dream into creative practice. Nurture the beauty you have to offer.


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

This eclipse sparks a major shift in your home life and the foundations you’ve built over the years, Capricorn. Changes in your living situation or your relationship to family could be emergent, as well as your inner sense of security. It’s time to redefine where you come from, and more importantly, how you nurture yourself from the inside out. You are finding spiritual roots.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

Communication takes center stage for you, Aquarius, as the eclipse shines a light on how you express yourself and engage with the world around you. Whether it’s new ways of thinking or connecting with others, be open to embracing the unknown. Neptune’s ingress into Aries will inspire you to dream big with your words and ideas, so don’t be afraid to articulate your vision for the future.


Feb. 19 – March 20

This eclipse brings a fresh perspective on how you value yourself and your resources. It’s time to take a closer look at your relationship with money, possessions and self-worth. You’re being offered a new outlook on how you create stability and comfort. As Neptune moves into Aries, you’re invited to dream big and align your material world with your deeper desires and spiritual aspirations. What does abundance truly mean to you?