a girl standing in front of a wall with american flags

The Upper Keys Weekly is proud to partner with Treasure Village Montessori faculty and students in choosing “The Student of the Week.” Recipients are chosen on qualifications including academic standing athletics, outstanding achievements, community involvement, individuality and moral fortitude. We thank our future leaders and TVM for allowing us to share in a weekly dose of “Sea Dragon” pride and for giving us a glimpse into their world.

Name: Olivia Zischka
Seventh Grade

What is something most people don’t know about you?

Something most people don’t know about me is that I have a brother. He’s 23 and his name is Zane and I also have a sister. She’s 19 and her name is Abby.

Who is your all-time favorite teacher and why?

My all-time favorite teacher is Mrs. Linda because she has genuinely made teaching fun for me and I enjoy her teaching technique.

What is your favorite subject and why?

My favorite subject is definitely language arts because I’ll use it in my everyday life, and my teacher makes it fun for me. 

What organizations are you involved with at TVM?

I’m involved in NJHS and volleyball at TVM.

What is the best rule at your school?

The best rule at school is the usual ones that say that we have to respect one another.

What’s your favorite food for lunch?

My favorite food for lunch is yogurt. 

What do you want to be when you grow up and why?

I would like to be a psychiatrist when I grow up because I would like to understand the human brain and mind more.

What do you hope to be remembered for at TVM?

I hope to be remembered as the unproblematic one. Although I think I would also like to be remembered for my spot on the volleyball team. 

What is one favorite way to spend your spare time?

My favorite way to spend my spare time is to practice volleyball or do archery with music. 

Will you make the Keys your permanent home in the future? Why or why not?

No, the Keys will no be my permanent home in the future, and this is because if and or when I finish college I would like to travel and experience life.