If you’re noticing a liberating shift in the vibes surrounding you, you’re not alone. On Jan. 27, the rebellious and illuminating planet, Uranus, turned direct. Uranus had been retrograde since the end of August – a whole five months. During this time we were all offered the opportunity to reflect upon our position in the constant dance of conformity and authenticity, of oppression and liberation, and of a closed past and an open future. In a nutshell, we were all internally processing our own freedom and all that entails. Now that Uranus is moving direct, however, that activity taking place within our psyches is ready to move outward into the world. The time to start making moves to free yourself from oppressive constraints is now. Put your mind at ease this weekend and let your thoughts roll with the tides.

Here are your horoscopes. Read for your rising and sun signs.


Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

You’ve been having some secretive or private thoughts for the past three weeks, and right now those ideas are blossoming into what appears to be either feelings of charity or creative streams of personal income. Whether the money is flowing out or in, if you can keep that news to yourself you will see how much more effective the impact is. Keeping mum will help to keep your values selfless.


Feb. 19 – March 20

Listen to your friends right now, Pisces, because their words are a balm to what ails you. There are people who truly want to see you succeed, and they appear to be communicating to you a new self-image. What do they see that you don’t? Drop the self-deprecation and take to heart the vocal or written support from your friends to see how you dream a new you into existence.


March 21 – April 19

As you are contemplating your public reputation and your effectiveness in the public square, you are also tapping into the deep, dreamy waters of the unconscious. In other words, the clearer you think and articulate the version of you that shows up at work or out in public, the more creative your imagination will be. These two parts of life go hand in hand right now. Know thy public self and unleash thy private self. 


April 20 – May 20

Thinking of faraway places unlocks the ideal support system for you under this sky. If you can identify what your next big adventure is, really see it in your mind’s eye and get detailed, you will dream into existence the people who will help you start your journey. No one gets anywhere without people propping them up, and right now you can think the destination and imagine the helpers.


May 21 – June 21

Turn your mind to collaboration now, Gemini, and think through how you might share resources with people who have similar goals. What are your cooperative endeavors? If you focus your mind on the projects you are working on with others, your dream job will emerge in the process. There is an opportunity here to turn your passion project into a career, so see where your reverie flows.


June 22 – July 22

It is high time to have conversations with your partner about all the places you will travel and the new experiences you wish to have. Dream big in your discussions and see what novel adventures you two can imagine. You don’t have to book the tickets now, but setting the stage for worlds that you can explore with one another will set the wheels in motion. What’s out there?


July 23 – Aug. 22

Logically analyze your habits and routines and unlock new empathic pathways. What the heck does that mean? Under this sky, it is the perfect time to think about the routines that keep your life from devolving into chaos – exercise, chores, errands, etc. As you do this, you will simultaneously open yourself up to greater levels of compassion for others in some way. Dissolve some of those emotional boundaries.


Aug. 23 – Sept. 22  

What brings you great joy? Whatever comes to mind, take some more time to let it bounce around your mental landscape. Thinking and talking about your joys and creative expressions will help you form a spiritual connection with an important partner in your life. The conversations are sure to flow if you keep the focus on topics that spark your bliss.


Sept. 23 – Oct. 23 

With your mind on your home and family, now is the time to spiritualize your usual routines. Think about the home that you want to create for yourself and the type of foundation that will keep you grounded and see how maintaining that focus turns your chores into meditations. Now is the time to Mary Poppins the heck out of your world – chores don’t have to be chore-like.


Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

So much of the time we communicate naturally without too much thought, which is totally fine. It keeps us present. Right now, however, it is an ideal time to take a step back and think about how you communicate, what words you choose, and what impact they have. This practice will actually help you express yourself in more dreamy and creative ways, despite the dry analytical path to get there.


Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Put your mind on your money and your money on your mind, Sag. Thinking about your income stream and how you spend your hard-earned cash will support some healing at home. Your home is your sanctuary, so consider how you might better surround yourself with items that reflect your spiritual needs. Do you need to make any changes?


Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

Who are you and how do you immerse yourself in your community? We all mirror the people and places that we interact with every day, yet we are more than our surroundings all the same. Community is so important, and getting really clear about who you are will help you connect to community with greater and greater depth. Think about your uniqueness and see the connections you make.

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