This week brings with it a lot of planetary action, but the main event is the cosmic lovers, Mars and Venus, meeting up with the Lord of Darkness, Pluto. The planet that oversees primal instincts, unconscious compulsions and shadowy transformations recently moved into the sign of Aquarius. He is sitting right at the threshold of this fixed air sign, welcoming guests into the temple of humanitarianism and forward-thinking with his own Vincent Price-esque greetings. Mars crossed into Aquarius from Capricorn on Tuesday, and Venus will follow in Mars’s footsteps on Friday. Mars the go-getter and Venus the come-hitherer represent star-crossed romance and sensual commingling when they come together in the sky, which they will do next week. However, before they are able to partake in their yearly conjugal visit, they must first greet the underworld master, Pluto. So what can we expect this week? We will be facing the psychological complexities that emerge in our relationships, unearthing our passions and temptations, and weaving deep plans that require dancing and flirting. So put on Meatloaf’s “Bat out of Hell” and get ready for the shrouded revelry.

Here are your horoscopes for Mars and Venus conjoining Pluto. Read for your rising and sun signs.

Jan. 20 – Feb. 18

What part of yourself are you afraid of letting out? We are all victims and perpetrators of the cultural conditions that we adhere to, and yet we are also the ones who can break the mold. You are holding something back that is screaming to be released. Are you a nerd with a sexy minx hiding behind your eyes? Are you an artist that has something deep and dark to say? Let the push and pull of your muse release you from your cocoon.

Feb. 19 – March 20

There are some things that are simply out of our control, no matter how much we try to mold them to our liking. Surrendering to the immense power of the impersonal forces of evolution can be scary at times, but right now you are being asked to fall deeply in love with that process. Let go, and have a conversation with that part of yourself that is trying to hold on. Tango with the forces of fate.

March 21 – April 19

Have you ever been in a shoulder-to-shoulder crowd moving in one direction and you simply have no choice but to move with them or get crushed by the momentum? Meditate on that and how it is affecting your life now. How are friends and supporters carrying you toward your goals, perhaps even in invisible ways? Dance with the crowd.

April 20 – May 20

We tend to consider our work in the world to be a career that brings home a paycheck. And yet, there is always a deeper impact being made, for good or for bad. Ideally, the ripples and waves that emerge from our work are positive and beneficial to people and the planet. Get so caught up in your work – flirt with it – and trust that your impact will transform the world in positive ways.

May 21 – June 21

Are you having that feeling like a great wide somewhere is calling out to you? Don’t ignore it. A deep, transformative journey is being sparked right now, and there is a graceful entry point being offered. Follow your raw instincts into lands unseen and ideas unthought. Oh, how your world and your vantage point will change when you become a devotee to your ever-changing context.

June 22 – July 22

If you have been investing your time, energy or money into a project, now is the time for the return to rapidly emerge from the depths. Expect for there to be an abrupt synergy in how your investment return comes to you. If you have not been investing, it is the perfect time to commit to a long game as the conditions are ripe for profitability and impact. Dig into a commitment bigger than yourself.

July 23 – Aug. 22

Something that has been bubbling between you and a partner in your life is ready to come to the surface. Depending upon your tact, this can come as a volcanic eruption or as a choreographed ballroom dance. If the more delicate route is your goal, treat the eventual release of this buildup as if you are flirting with your counterpart – and let the truth out bit by bit.

Aug. 23 – Sept. 22

Practice, practice, practice. The only way for the new routines that you are building into your life to become a part of your daily dance is to practice like you would a ballet. You are being offered a powerful entry point into a new ordering of your life right now, and the best way in is to find a rhythm and find your footing.

Sept. 23 – Oct. 23

Explosions and wildfires cause massive destruction, and yet the aftermath can lead to entirely new, fertile beginnings for the ecosystem in that area. You have a creative eruption available to you that will change your life in a similar way. If you have an artistic or creative project that needs to be let out, be prepared for it to radically alter your landscape.

Oct. 24 – Nov. 21

You may have been feeling a pressure building at home or with members of your family, and that pressure is ready to be released. Will you let the steam out slowly and methodically, or will you let it explode all at once? Perhaps there is a melody hiding in the release of the pressure and a dance is available to the parties involved.

Nov. 22 – Dec. 21

Even in the most peaceful and perfect neighborhoods there are secrets hiding beneath the manicured lawns and behind the closed doors, just waiting to turn over the apple cart. Your community has a major upheaval coming up, and you can probably see the writing on the wall. How will you bring grace to your friends and neighbors during this time?

Dec. 22 – Jan. 19

A nuclear-level shift in your value system is underfoot, Capricorn. This shift is akin to a religious conversion. There may be a singular moment that opens your eyes to a new metaphysical reality, or an incremental change may have been taking place beneath the surface for a long time. Either way, accept the transformation and emerge as a butterfly.

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