Karen Newfield

Karen Newfield is first and foremost a reader, she has reviewed hundreds of books on her blog www.readingandeating.com. And, more recently, this new Keys resident has also begun writing.

Three fascinating novels about amnesia

A bonk on the head or seemingly innocent bite from a mosquito and suddenly you can’t remember your own name. It’s hard to imagine...


Come July, it’s no secret that stacks of best sellers fly hot off the presses! Libraries and book stores from Islamorada to Key West...

Summer Reads for Every Beach Bookworm

As the holiday weekend approaches and you fire up those grills, be sure to have a great book in hand for before and after...

Take your mind off the start of hurricane season with a good book

Hurricane season is here. For serious readers, that means a good book. A fictional escape is essential when a storm is brewing in the...


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