A bridge over a body of water - Tourist attraction

Locals turn out for unique swim race – Team put together by local finish...

Sarah Maschal, coach of Marathon High School’s swim team, finished 11th overall with a time of 5 hours, 39 minutes. She was the sixth female solo finisher. Her kayaker, Caitlin Lustic, snapped this picture at the base of the lighthouse, halfway through the race.
A man wearing a uniform - Sheriff

Marathon to get new law enforcement chief

Marathon will have a new law enforcement chief beginning Monday, Oct. 7. Marathon’s Captain Chad Scibilia is being transferred to the Internal Affairs Division and will also...
Underwater view of a swimming pool - Scuba diving

Gardeners go underwater – Dry land enthusiasts turn their attention to growing coral

“Gardening underwater? Yes, we’re helping to restore our precious coral reefs,” said Garden Club of the Upper Keys (GCUK) president Marilyn Rogers. The local club is part...
A close up of a sign - Logo

Happy birthday to us!

In the Aug. 5, 2005 edition of the Marathon Weekly, I repeatedly referred to the new Marathon High School principal as “Principle John Pertner.” While not as...
Turtle Hospital

Dentist mends sea turtle's fractured shell

A Florida Keys dentist has aided efforts to mend an endangered green sea turtle's fractured shell. On Thursday, Fred Troxel examined Elena, a 40-pound adolescent reptile he had...
A steam boat on the water with smoke coming out of it with Deepwater Horizon in the background - Deepwater Horizon oil spill

Some BP funds expected to flow to Keys – Litigation underway will determine the...

Local officials are set to review the first round of grant applications funded by the Restore Act. And although that sounds simple enough on its face, it’s...
A man holding an animal - Alligators

Deputy rescues alligator

Deputy Aaron Coller found this little alligator sitting on the highway recently on Big Pine Key. He called for FWC to respond and the reptile was relocated...
A man looking at the camera - John L. Guerra

Key West journalist publishes novel of short stories – The tales centers on a...

John and I share a similar background in journalism and writing, and a certain sense of humor often seen between siblings and understood by few. His new...
A woman sitting on a bench with a dog - Whiskers

Dodamead heads to Finland – Marathon student is participating in five-month exchange program

In a few days, Sarah Dodamead will be roughly 4,000 miles away from home. The Marathon high school senior is taking off for Klaukkala, Finland as part...
A group of people posing for a photo - Police officer

Sheriff’s Traffic Unit takes top award

The Sheriff’s Traffic Enforcement Team was recently awarded first place overall in the Florida Law Enforcement Challenge. They took the top award beating out 196 other participating...

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