#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Citizens @#@! *& Citizens — in the name of insurance

Remember Heath Ledger’s portrayal of The Joker in Batman: The Dark Knight? There was nothing at all amusing about his performance. He played The Joker as a...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

American Travel, Congressional Style – Somebody should have paid better attention in geography class!

  My friend Mac from the UK always sends me funny stuff – if ever there were a person who should be called a professional Internet funny-finder, it’s...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

A googan’s* guide to safely operating a vessel in the Keys – Keys Disease

Those of you who are regular readers may recall Keys Disease Central’s periodic and often heroic efforts to promote safer roadways and just get people to use...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

TSA! TSA! (Or, how’s the view, officer?)

After last week’s column dealing with Hell, I decided to revisit another of those true tales from my life that no one could make up. One of the...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Since when is the World Wide Web not worldwide? Or, how best to market...

Heads in beds. It’s not the title of a horror movie (although it would make a great horror movie title). It’s the ultimate goal of our tourist industry,...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Mayan Apocalypse 2012 – Or, don’t believe everything you read in the movies!

“It’s the big one, Elizabeth!” The immortal words of Fred Sanford begin what could be my last column for the last ever edition of the Weekly Newspapers...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Who Are You? (Tell me who are you!)

I recently had another birthday. It wasn’t a big one that ended in a zero or anything like that, but it became a birthday of monumental proportions because of one essential task: the need to renew my Florida Driver License! (Cue horror music and bloodcurdling scream.)
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo


An alert reader sent this gem to me recently; these are very handy instructions for the conscientious pet owner… 1. Grasp cat firmly in your arms.  Cradle its...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo

Think Before You Speak!

My good friend Mac from across the pond always sends some very amusing e-mails. Many of them aren’t suitable for printing in an American family newspaper, but...
#Column: What do tequila, government meetings, and Key deer have in common? - A close up of a sign - Logo


It came as no surprise to me the first time that I realized that a common abbreviation of the words “Florida Keys” spelled out “FLAKEYS.” There must...

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