Anglers targeting dolphin fish can compete for $15,000 in guaranteed cash prizes during the Key West Gator Club Dolphin Derby. Returning after a long hiatus, the tournament is scheduled Friday through Sunday, June 21-23, to coincide with the height of the Florida Keys dolphin fishing season.
Events are headquartered at Beachside Resort & Residences, 3841 N. Roosevelt Blvd., Key West, and team entries are still being accepted.
The boat team weighing in the overall heaviest dolphin fish during the two fishing days will take home a grand prize of $5,000 cash. The second-place team will earn $3,000, while $2,000 is slated for the third-place team. Prizes are awarded through fifth place.
The first-place lady angler and first-place junior angler each will receive $1,000. Cash prizes also await the second- and third-place finishers in the two divisions.
The tournament kicks off with a final registration, reception and captains meeting at 6 p.m. Friday, June 21 at Beachside Resort.
Fishing is set for 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23, with weigh-ins until 5:30 p.m. both days at Beachside. Each team is allowed to enter one qualifying fish per day in each division. Fish weighed in the lady angler and junior angler divisions are eligible to win the overall division.
Entry fees are $500 per team of up to four anglers until June 7. After that date, the entry fee increases to $700.
All proceeds will benefit Gator Club scholarship funds for University of Florida students who graduated from Key West High School.
More information and registration are available at, from AJ Davila at 305-393-6675 or @kwgatorclubdolphinderby on Instagram.