Hi friends! Reef the fox here with your weekly “Reef’s Report.” Boy oh boy, do I have a treat for you this week. 

I was able to sit down with K9 Jigsaw who works for Key West Police Department (KWPD). Jigsaw came to KWPD in October 2020 when a very kind family donated the money for the department to acquire a new K9. We conducted our interview at KWPD headquarters undercover in the midst of a rain band from Hurricane Helene approaching. When I tell you I go the distance for my readers, I really go the distance. Let’s get into it.

Reef: Hey there, Jigsaw. Thanks for taking time out of your extremely busy schedule for this interview. I’ll get right to the questions so you can go on duty. First, Where were you born?

Jigsaw: Hi there, Reef! I’ve heard a lot about you, read your column and saw you interviewed our KWPD mounted unit. I was wondering when you would get around to the K9s. To answer your question, I was born in Slovakia!

Reef: Woah! That’s a new one. Okay so I know one thing and one thing only about Slovakia. Since my human mother is from Pittsburgh, she talks about it often (boring). A super famous artist named Andy Warhol was born in Pittsburgh and his parents were from Slovakia. That’s the end of my Slovak knowledge. Next question. What are your specialities as far as training?

Jigsaw: Well, I just learned something new that I will never use but I like learning new things. I am skilled in the arts of tracking, apprehension and narcotics detection. 

Reef: That’s pretty darn cool. I am skilled in the art of screaming, napping and annoying the other foxes at Pawsitive Beginnings. So what is your favorite snack?

Jigsaw: So here’s the thing Reef. I love all snacks. From ice cubes to carrots and everything in between. I have a diverse pallet and do not discriminate when it comes to treats. 

Reef: Wow, I am so picky and my mom gets annoyed. Good for you buddy, good for you. Now what is your silliest quirk when you are not on duty? 

Jigsaw: I have two cat siblings at home and one dog sibling. I like to instigate cats. It may be wrong, don’t really care. 

Reef: That is what I like to hear. Can’t show weakness or they walk all over you, those cats! We are almost done here. What is your favorite hobby outside of work?

Jigsaw: I love to swim and cuddle with my humans, or anyone who is a good person. You know us canines can sense those things. 

Reef: Oh yes I do know. People have come to visit us foxes before and we can tell immediately if we are going to like them or not. Last question, I know there are other K9 officers that work for KWPD, do you all get along?

Jigsaw: Here’s the thing, Reef. Us K9 officers are so intelligent and so expertly trained at our jobs that if they let us mingle we might just take over the entire department. So they tend to keep us separated for fear of a total canine revolution.

Reef: Oh I like the sound of that. If that ever happens, give me a call. Chief Reef has a nice ring to it.

Jigsaw: Deal.

Special thanks to Chief Sean Brandenburg and Officer Thomas Anglin for allowing my mother, Nicole Navarro, to visit KWPD for this interview.

Reef the Fox
Reef was born on a fur farm on or around March 28, 2021. He was able to be rescued when his mother and siblings started to reject him. Reef is missing toes on his front, right paw and the tip of his tail is missing due to injuries sustained in his short time on the fur farm. Reef arrived at Key Largo on May 6, 2021 by Nicole Navarro, of Pawsitive Beginnings Inc.