The best bumper stickers for the Keys

Slogans on the move

The best bumper stickers for the Keys - A close up of a person - Car

Bumper stickers are a timeless tradition —they just really don’t seem to go away — but also a very telling one. That little phrase or saying you choose to adhere permanently to the back of your vehicle can tell the world a host of things, from political affiliations to innermost hopes and dreams. Here is the Weekly’s list of bumper stickers only for the Keys.

One Homeless Family

Don’t Ride The Manatees

Welcome to Bubbaville

Vote, but only if you know the guy.

Slow down, just kidding

My Other Car is a Kia

I Brake For Snowbirds

Iguana: The Other White Meat

Key Deer on Board

If You Can Read This, Congrats, Run for Office

Make Ceviche, Not Fritters

Charter Fishermen Go Deep

If You’re a Conch and You Know It, Clap Your Hands

Proud Member of the Witness Protection Program

Follow Me to Cuba

It’s 4 o’clock Somewhere

My adjuster is an honor-roll student.

Sparky’s Lives!

Spearos Go Deep.

Blow the Bridges – Stop Mini-Season

Shelter in Place

Hialeah Sucks

Iguana: the Other White Meat

I Bleed Butter & Lemon

Big Pine University, Class of ’04

My Other Car is a Contender








Hays Blinckmann
Hays Blinckmann is an oil painter, author of the novel “In The Salt,” lover of all things German including husband, children and Bundesliga. She spends her free time developing a font for sarcasm, testing foreign wines and failing miserably at home cooking.