Roots Reach Keys - A person holding a pair of people posing for the camera -

Roots Reach Keys

For the first time in its 20-year history, the Afro Roots World Music Festival will include the Florida Keys on its list of South Florida scheduled performances....
Tears of Laughter – ‘Cry It Out’ full of new-parent insight - A man and a woman sitting on a bench - Florida

Tears of Laughter – ‘Cry It Out’ full of new-parent insight

The ladies bring down the house in “Cry It Out,” now playing at the Red Barn Theatre. With an immensely talented cast and director, and a well-written,...
First POTUS visit since ‘62 – Trump visits Southernmost City - Donald Trump et al. in uniform standing in front of a crowd - Soldier

First POTUS visit since ‘62 – Trump visits Southernmost City

Air Force 1 touched down at the Naval Air Station on Boca Chica at 11:50 am this morning. President Donald Trump spent a brief few minutes on...
Stormtroopers! - A group of people posing for a photo - Florida Keys


On April 14, Leadership Monroe County graduated Class XXVI. Although Hurricane Irma threatened to disrupt the Keys galaxy, the “Stormtroopers” came together to become true ambassadors of...
PARTY W/ SUSTAINABILITY - A person standing in front of a palm tree - Tree


There’s never been an Earth Day party like this in the Middle Keys. On Saturday and Sunday, April 21-22, Keys Cable and oTHErside Boardsports are hosting a...
That’s News To Me - Kevin Nealon looking at the camera - Kevin Nealon

That’s News To Me

His signature sign off from Saturday Night Live’s weekend update – "I'm Kevin Nealon, and that's news to me” – is in the comedic history books, especially...
Young at Heart – Pilot program’s success warrants future facility, says group - A person standing in front of a group of people posing for the camera - Public Relations

Young at Heart – Pilot program’s success warrants future facility, says group

On March 28, Monroe County officials were welcomed by senior residents of Plantation Key’s JOY Center to discuss the program’s future and other services for the local...
HOMETOWN HERO - A group of people posing for a picture - Marathon


On Saturday morning, at 8:01 a.m., Aydan Child, 17, was the first finisher of the 37th annual 7 Mile Bridge Run. He is the first local to...
Pizza with pizzazz – Triton Seafood Restaurant adds new menu - A pizza sitting on top of a table - California-style pizza

Pizza with pizzazz – Triton Seafood Restaurant adds new menu

The taste of a hand-tossed pizza crust is easy to detect upon first bite. Pizza fanatic or not (and who isn’t?), it’s the foundation of a good pie,...
Financial Jeopardy - A little girl sitting on a table - Tree

Simpler Times

“One of the Missions of the Old Island Restoration Foundation is to provide education and cultural awareness of the rich Key West environment to our local families...

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