The Wacky Sports Challenge staged at Coconut Cove Resort in Islamorada last weekend was a complete blast. Eleven teams took part in the challenge to raise money for the National Kidney Foundation. Organizer Fran Glick said she hoped this third annual afternoon of nuttiness would raise about $6,000 for the cause. “They have a walk up in Miami, the Kidney Walk, about this time of year, but I know that most Keys people won’t make it up there. So this is something we could do locally,” she said.
Volunteers at the Wacky Sports Challenge wore orange shirts emblazoned with a “Love Your Kidneys” slogan and shepherded the teams through four challenges — a two-person timed kayak race, a balloon toss, a paddleboard challenge and a capture the ring (musical chairs) challenge. The cost of the challenge was underwritten by Mariners Hospital, Coconut Cove Resort, Florida Bay Outfitters and Sun 103.1. A fantastic lineup of musicians including Adrienne and Moss and the Blues Pirates also performed